NameJoseph (Josiah) McTyre 
ResidenceMiddlesex County, Virginia
He is mentioned in the will of his grandfather, Josiah McTyre, in 1795.
On 27 October 1795, a deed from William Montague and Frances his wife of Middlesex County to Richard Street of Richmond County sold land in Middlesex County that bordered that of Josiah McTyre in Essex County. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 11, pages 245–247.]
On 3 March 1799, Josiah McTyr witnessed the will of John Daniel of Middlesex County. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Will Book 2, pages 23–24.]
Joseph (or Josiah) McTyre married Nancy Daniel on 4 July 1800. Henry McTyre was a father; Elizabeth Daniel was a mother. Security was Lewis Montague. [Middlesex County Vital Records index, page 51.]
On 10 August 1801, Josiah McTyre witnessed a deed from Richard Street to John Street. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 12, pages 118–119.]
On 24 September 1803, William Montague, Joiner, of the County of Middlesex made a deed of gift to Josiah McTyre and Nancy McTyre his wife of the said county of the other part. For and in Consideration of a tender regard he hath for the said Josiah & Nancy McTyre, and also for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar current money of Virginia, land in the County of Middlesex containing by estimation twenty five acres be the same more or less, and part of the tract called Brookses. Bounded as followeth beginning at a corner white oak standing on the side of the old road between John Thurstons and where William D. Brooks formerly lived runing along sd road to a pine & dogwood a second corner from thence by a line of marked trees down a Valley below the spring to a small chesnut, thence by a line of marked trees across the middle of sd Spring to a Black Gum standing by the spring thence up meanders of the old house swamp to a corner Holly standing in the foot of a Valley at Blakeys old crossing place, thence up the side of the hill by a line of marked trees to the corner of the old field thence along the side of the oak woods by a line of marked trees to the begining corder white oak, To have and to hold the said twenty five acres of Land be the same more or less with its appertenances unto the sd Josiah McTyre and Nancy his wife during each and Singular their lives to their use and behoof of them the sd Josiah and Nancy McTyre, and should the sd Josiah and Nancy McTyre move off the sd land, they shall not sell or rent the land & Tenement to any other person or persons, only be consent of sd William Montague Joiner, and the said Joseph and Nancy McTyre or either of them, may at all times or at any time return and peaceably inherit and possess the said twenty give acres of land be the same more or less during their natureal lives, and may cut down and cultivate the same peaceably & unmolested by any person or persons, as tho it was actually their possession for ever; and the said William Montague Joiner doth for himself his heirs executors & administrators covenant and grant to and with the said Josiah and Nancy McTyre that he stands seized of a good and lawfull right in the sd land and hath lawfull the same [sic]. Signed William Montague. Witnesses: Travis Daniel, Beverley Clowdas, William Parron. Recorded 27 February 1804. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deed Book 12, pages 262–263.]
1810 U.S. Census, Middlesex County, Virginia:
McTyre, Joseph
1 male under 10
1 male 26-45
3 females under 10
1 female 26-45
On 28 November 1811, a summons for Joseph McTyre was issued in a case concerning William Montague, son of Samuel Montague. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 22, item 22-H-3.]
Joseph was mentioned, as Josia, in the 1815 will of his father Henry McTyre. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, page 334.]
1820 U.S. Census, Middlesex County, Virginia:
McTyre, Joseph
1 male under 10
1 male 16–18
1 male 26–45
1 female under 10
1 female 10–16
1 female 26–45
all other persons: 6
Marriage date of 24 April 1824 courtesy of Mary Beth Majesty.
On 21 February 1826, a complaint was filed in the Chancery Court of Essex County by orators & oratrices John Minter & Ann his wife, Robt Mann & Susan his wife, Peter Campbell & Mary his wife, Fontaine Wood, and Ambrose, John, Thomas & Sarah Hunley infants under the age of twenty one years by Elizabeth Hundley their Guardian and next friend, & Josiah Ryland, stating that in 1825 Richard Ryland had died intestate leaving no children and petitioning for the division of his estate. Numerous amendments and affidavits were filed during the course of the case. Papers filed state that Richard left heirs Peter Campbell and Mary R. his wife who was Mary Hundley, Ambrose Hundley, Robert Mann (who died between the decree on 19 Febraury 1827 and the division of the estate on 14 June 1827) and Susan D. his wife who was Susan Hundley, Mary and Thomas Wood, children of Fontaine Wood and Anne H. his wife, deceased, who was Anne H. Hundley, Richard Hundley, John Hundley, Thomas Hundley, and Sarah Hundley, the said Mary, Ambrose, Susan, Anne, Richard, John, Thomas and Sarah being children of Ambrose Hundley deceased, Richard Hundley (who lived in Kershaw District, South Carolina) and Absalom Hundley (long removed from Virginia), the said Ambrose, Richard and Absalom children of Ambrose Hundley and Mary his wife who was Mary Ryland, a sister of the full blood to Richard Ryland [although family Bible records indicate otherwise] and who married after the death of Ambrose a James Ferguson and moved to Kershaw District, South Carolina; Mary “Polly” Shelor (or Shetor, the name appearing both ways), Thomas Shelor, Joseph Shelor and Sally Gee who was Sally Shelor, the said Mary, Thomas, Joseph, and Sally being children of Elizabeth Shelor deceased who was married to Jacob Shelor, Thomas Ryland, John Ryland, Hundley Ryland, John Simmons and Nancy his wife who was Nancy Ryland, the said Thomas, John, and Hundley Ryland and Nancy Simmons and Elizabeth Shelor being children of Thomas Ryland deceased, a brother of the half blood to Richard Ryland; Thomas Jones who died without heir, Robert Jeffries and Elizabeth his wife who was Elizabeth Jones and who had previously married James McFarlane, Richard D. Dunn and Peggy his wife who was Peggy Jones, James Durham and Nancy his wife who was Nancy Jones, Patsy Jones and Betsy Jones, children of Joseph Jones deceased, Mary Thompson who was Mary Jones, Sophronia Jones a daughter of Richard Jones deceased, Benjamin Jones, and Coleman Jones and Susan his wife, the said Thomas, Elizabeth, Peggy, Sally, Nancy, Joseph, Mary, Richard, Benjamin and Susan being children of Elizabeth Jones deceased, a sister of the whole blood to Richard Ryland who had married Richard Jones; John Minter and Ann his wife who was Ann Ryland, a sister of the whole blood to Richard Ryland; Lewis Mickleburrough and Henrietta his wife who was Henrietta Haile, Joseph McTyre and Polly his wife who was Polly Haile, Joseph Haile and Jonathan Haile, the said Henrietta, Polly, Joseph and Jonathan being children of Sally Haile, deceased, wife of Wheeler Haile and who was Sally Croxton, a daughter of Thomas Croxton and Sarah his wife who was Sarah Ryland, a sister of the whole blood to Richard Ryland (the said Thomas and Sarah also having had children Joseph, Thomas, Richard, Susan (who married a Miller) and Mary who have been long removed from Virginia); Lewis Whittemore and Jane his wife who was Jane Ryland and Wyatt Whittemore and Nancy his wife who was Nancy Ryland, the said Jane and Nancy being children of John Ryland a brother of the whole blood to Richard Ryland; George and Samuel Durham, children of Mary Durham deceased who was Mary Faucett, a daughter of Rice Faucett and Susannah his wife who was Susannah Ryland, a sister of the whole blood to Richard Ryland; Edward, Allen, Joseph, Samuel, Elizabeth and Polly Ryland and Joseph Tellman (also Tillman) and Sally his wife who was Sally Ryland, the said Edward, Allen, Joseph, Samuel, Elizabeth, Polly and Sally being children of Iverson Ryland deceased, a brother of the whole blood to Richard Ryland; Josiah Ryland, a brother of the half blood to Richard Ryland who is still living; Parker Tod Hunter and Catharine his wife who was Catharine Ryland, Joseph Barnett and Elizabeth his wife who was Elizabeth Ryland, John, James, Edwin and Joanna Ryland, the said Catharine, Elizabeth, John, James, Edwin and Joanna being children of Joseph Ryland who died in Kentucky, a brother of the half blood to Richard Ryland; and Jacob Tod Hunter and Joanna his wife who was Joanna Ryland, a sister of the half blood to Richard Ryland. The property was divided and distributed by 14 June 1827. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 35, many items in Folder J.]
A copy of Joseph McTyre’s signature from about 1826 can be found on Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 35, item 35-J-36.
1830 U.S. Census, Middlesex County, Virginia:
McTyre, Joseph
1 male under 5
1 male 20–30
1 male 40–50
2 females under 5
1 female 10–15
1 female 20–30
Total for household: 7
On 29 October 1834, Joseph McTyre purchased a gun for $3.00 at the estate sale of Bowler Dyke. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 447–448a.]
He is listed as the father of Elizabeth McTyre in her marriage to Samuel C. Dunn.
BirthAug 1781, Middlesex County, Virginia
Deathbef 21 Feb 1826
Marriage4 Jul 1800, Middlesex County, Virginia
Marriage24 Apr 1824, Middlesex County, Virginia