NameJohn Chenault 
Birth22 Nov 1754
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
An undated petition: “We the Subscribers are opinion that the healths of our familys will be injured by Capt Thomas Woods Building a Mill at the Piscataway old Mill bridge as call’d”. Signed John Chenault, Martin Burke, John Croxton, Barker Minter, Rachel Gordon, Charles Bray, Rickard Burke, Thomas Crow, William Burke, and Thomas Burke. On the front of the jacket the erroneous date of 1703 has been added, but in another hand, probably that of a WPA worker. [Essex County, Virginia, Box 8, Item 8-F-5.]
On 3 January 1791, Susanna Burke in her own right and as guardian to Richard, Ann, Edmund, Susanna, William and Judith Burke children and coheirs of John Burke decd late husband of Susanna sold to John Chenault of the parish of Southfarnham and County of Essex, administrator of the estate of John Burke. The land of John Burke had been put up for auction; John Chenault was the highest bidder at £270 current money of Virginia. Signed Susanna her X mark Burke. Witnesses: James Burk, James Webb, Eliza Hay, Lewis his x mark Burke. Ordered recorded 17 January 1791. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 33, pages 288–289.]
On 24 August 1791, John Chenault and Barbre his wife of the County of Essex sold to Samuel Dogens of the same. For £90 current money of Virginia, a parcel in the parish of Southfarnham bounded by the lands of Frances Dennett Deceasd, John Dunn, John Dickinson and William Webb, 75 acres more or less, which John Chenault bought of William Banks and William Banks bought of Edmund Dunn. Signed John Chenault, Barbre Chenault. Witnesses: Richd Holt Jr, Spencer Purkins, John Turner, Agrippa Dogens. Ordered recorded 20 February 1792. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 33, page 352.]
On 16 September 1793, Rickard Burk, Isaac Gatewood, and John Chenault were bound £300 for Rickard Burk’s administration of the estate of Caleb Gatewood. Signed Rickard Burk, Isaac Gatewood, John Chenault. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, page 57.]
An undated bill of complaint from around 1801 states that Joseph Wood “complains of John Boughan in Custody &c for this that he the said Deft on the Day of October in the year 1800 with Force & Arms entered unlawfully into the House & on the Land of John Chenault of the County of Essex & then & there unlawfully seized & detained a quantity of Corn of the Property of the Plt of the Value of five hundred Dollars, & unlawfully prevented by force of Arms the Plt from taking the same against the Peace of the Commonwealth…” [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 13, item 13-F-54.]
On 9 February 1807, Mary Barbee of Caroline County, Virginia, stated that John Chenault had rented a plantation from Carter Beverley in King & Queen county for the year 1804 and failed to pay rent for it; she instructs the court that John Chenault has now paid her. Witnesses: Samuel Chenault and Abraham Mullen. [Caroline County, Virginia, Court Records 1742–1833 and Marriages 1787–1810 by William Lindsay Hopkins, Richmond, Virginia 1990, page 184.]
On 11 August 1807, John Chenault of Nelson County, Kentucky, gave power of attorney to Stephen Chenault. Recorded in Essex County, Virginia, on 19 October 1807. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 37, pp. 272-273.]
An undated bill of complaint in Essex County states that Rickard Burke died in March 1801, leaving a widow Ann (still alive at the writing of the bill); son John Burke, who died about February 1803, testate, who appointed Thomas Barton executor; son Thomas Burke, who died about February 1802, testate, never married; son Martin Burke, died 1806 intestate, estate administered by Ben H. Munday; son Lewis Burke; daughter Barbara Burke, who married John Chenault and died in 1807; daughter Mary Burke, who married Richard Meador; daughter Nancy Burke, who married Caleb Gatewood and had an only child named Lucy Gatewood, who married William Howard; son William Burke, who died during his father’s lifetime leaving a daughter Polly Burke; and son James Burke, who died in his father’s lifetime leaving children Betsey, Nancy and James Burke. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 32, 1823, Item 32-G-38.] The bill was answered by John Jones, Ann Burke, and Richard and Mary Meador and sworn to on 22 September 1807, confirming by and large the facts in the bill of complaint. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 32, 1823, Item 32-G-32.] A decree settling the case was issued by Essex County court the same day. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 32, 1823, Item 32-G-36.] The decree settled the estate by giving one-eighth portions each to: Richard Meador and Mary his wife; Thomas Barton executor of John Burke; Ben H. Munday, administrator of Martin Burke; Lewis Burke; William Howard and Lucy his wife; Polly Burke; Betsy, Nancy and James Burke; John Chenault. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 32, 1823, item 32-G-33.]
There may be a connection:
From Virginia Colonial Abstracts II, p. 302:
Will of John Chenault 1740. Records of Essex County. Clerk’s Office, Tappahannock, Va. Will Book 6. p.255. Will of John Chenault of Essex Co. Dated 27 March 1740. Probated 17 June 1740. Refers to wife Anne Chenault. Refers to son John Chenault. Refers to daughter Elizabeth Chenault. Sole Exor. wife. Wit: Stephen Chenault Jr., William Chenault, Stephen Chenault.
Birth5 Mar 1762
Marriage1 Feb 1781, Essex County, Virginia