NameGeorge Durham 
Birth18 Dec 1806, Essex County, Virginia
Death13 Nov 1858, Essex County, Virginia
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
“George Durham son of James Durham was bornd Deccr. 18th 1806” [Minter-Durham family Bible at the Virginia State Archives, Acc. 26856]
On 21 February 1826, a complaint was filed in the Chancery Court of Essex County by orators & oratrices John Minter & Ann his wife, Robt Mann & Susan his wife, Peter Campbell & Mary his wife, Fontaine Wood, and Ambrose, John, Thomas & Sarah Hunley infants under the age of twenty one years by Elizabeth Hundley their Guardian and next friend, & Josiah Ryland, stating that in 1825 Richard Ryland had died intestate leaving no children and petitioning for the division of his estate. Numerous amendments and affidavits were filed during the course of the case. Papers filed state that Richard left heirs Peter Campbell and Mary R. his wife who was Mary Hundley, Ambrose Hundley, Robert Mann (who died between the decree on 19 February 1827 and the division of the estate on 14 June 1827) and Susan D. his wife who was Susan Hundley, Mary and Thomas Wood, children of Fontaine Wood and Anne H. his wife, deceased, who was Anne H. Hundley, Richard Hundley, John Hundley, Thomas Hundley, and Sarah Hundley, the said Mary, Ambrose, Susan, Anne, Richard, John, Thomas and Sarah being children of Ambrose Hundley deceased, Richard Hundley (who lived in Kershaw District, South Carolina) and Absalom Hundley (long removed from Virginia), the said Ambrose, Richard and Absalom children of Ambrose Hundley and Mary his wife who was Mary Ryland, a sister of the full blood to Richard Ryland [although family Bible records indicate otherwise] and who married after the death of Ambrose a James Ferguson and moved to Kershaw District, South Carolina; Mary “Polly” Shelor (or Shetor, the name appearing both ways), Thomas Shelor, Joseph Shelor and Sally Gee who was Sally Shelor, the said Mary, Thomas, Joseph, and Sally being children of Elizabeth Shelor deceased who was married to Jacob Shelor, Thomas Ryland, John Ryland, Hundley Ryland, John Simmons and Nancy his wife who was Nancy Ryland, the said Thomas, John, and Hundley Ryland and Nancy Simmons and Elizabeth Shelor being children of Thomas Ryland deceased, a brother of the half blood to Richard Ryland; Thomas Jones who died without heir, Robert Jeffries and Elizabeth his wife who was Elizabeth Jones and who had previously married James McFarlane, Richard D. Dunn and Peggy his wife who was Peggy Jones, James Durham and Nancy his wife who was Nancy Jones, Patsy Jones and Betsy Jones, children of Joseph Jones deceased, Mary Thompson who was Mary Jones, Sophronia Jones a daughter of Richard Jones deceased, Benjamin Jones, and Coleman Jones and Susan his wife, the said Thomas, Elizabeth, Peggy, Sally, Nancy, Joseph, Mary, Richard, Benjamin and Susan being children of Elizabeth Jones deceased, a sister of the whole blood to Richard Ryland who had married Richard Jones; John Minter and Ann his wife who was Ann Ryland, a sister of the whole blood to Richard Ryland; Lewis Mickleburrough and Henrietta his wife who was Henrietta Haile, Joseph McTyre and Polly his wife who was Polly Haile, Joseph Haile and Jonathan Haile, the said Henrietta, Polly, Joseph and Jonathan being children of Mary Haile, deceased, wife of Wheeler Haile and who was Mary Croxton, a daughter of Thomas Croxton and Sarah his wife who was Sarah Ryland, a sister of the whole blood to Richard Ryland (the said Thomas and Sarah also having had children Joseph, Thomas, Richard, and Susan (who married a Miller) who have been long removed from Virginia); Lewis Whittemore and Jane his wife who was Jane Ryland and Wyatt Whittemore and Nancy his wife who was Nancy Ryland, the said Jane and Nancy being children of John Ryland a brother of the whole blood to Richard Ryland; George and Samuel Durham, children of Mary Durham deceased who was Mary Faucett, a daughter of Rice Faucett and Susannah his wife who was Susannah Ryland, a sister of the whole blood to Richard Ryland; Edward, Allen, Joseph, Samuel, Elizabeth and Polly Ryland and Joseph Tellman (also Tillman) and Sally his wife who was Sally Ryland, the said Edward, Allen, Joseph, Samuel, Elizabeth, Polly and Sally being children of Iverson Ryland deceased, a brother of the whole blood to Richard Ryland; Josiah Ryland, a brother of the half blood to Richard Ryland who is still living; Parker Tod Hunter and Catharine his wife who was Catharine Ryland, Joseph Barnett and Elizabeth his wife who was Elizabeth Ryland, John, James, Edwin and Joanna Ryland, the said Catharine, Elizabeth, John, James, Edwin and Joanna being children of Joseph Ryland who died in Kentucky, a brother of the half blood to Richard Ryland; and Jacob Tod Hunter and Joanna his wife who was Joanna Ryland, a sister of the half blood to Richard Ryland. The property was divided and distributed by 14 June 1827. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 35, many items in Folder J.]
At the settlement of the estate of Richard Ryland, James Durham (husband of Nancy Jones) signed for himself and as guardian for George and Samuel Durham. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 35, item 35-J-12.]
On 30 November 1835, James Croxton answered to a bill of complaint by George Saunders and Lucy his wife and George Durham and Polly his wife. Given in Frederick County before Austin Brockenbrough, a Justice of the Peace. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 49, item 49-D-13.]
On 26 April 1836, an answer of Moses Crow to a bill of complaint by George Saunders and Lucy his wife and George Durham and Polly his wife was filed. Contains much financial information concerning the estate of John Crow. States that Armistead Jones absconded in 1831 with five of the slaves of the said trust fund. This respondent heard this in February 1831. Your respondent being sick at the time asked James Croxton and Washington H Purkins to pursue and reclaim them, and they were pursued a considerable distance beyond Richmond City. Three of the slaves were brought back, but Jack and Sukey were not. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 49, item 49-D-14.]
On 11 September 1837, an amended bill of complaint was filed by George Saunders and Lucy his wife and George Durham and Polly his wife. Since the filing of their previous bill, Dorothea Jones a defendant has married Obadiah J. Alexander. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 49, item 49-D-12.]
In 1839, orators and oratrices Robert Jeffries and Betsy [later written as Elizabeth] his wife, Richard Dunn and Peggy his wife James Clarkson and Ann his wife John Smether and Bakey[?] his wife Willis Brooks and Betsy his wife William McFarlane and Sophronia his wife Obadiah J Alexander and Dorothea his wife and Polly Thomas complained that your orators and oratrices are the descendants of Richard Jones who died in 1805 in Essex County. James Durham intermarried with Nancy Jones a daughter of the said Richard Jones. That the said Nancy died this year without issue and that her husband survives. That James Durham is now in possession of slaves. A chart provides further clarification: Benjamin Jones had issue: Lucy wife of Geo Saunders, Betsy wife of O. Alexander, Polly [also listed as Dolly] wife of Geo. Durham; Richd Jones had issue Sophronia wife of W McFarlane; Joseph Jones had issue Betsy wife of W. Brooke, Patsey wife of Jno: Smether; Thomas Jones died without issue; Nancy Jones married James Durham; Susanna Jones died without issue; Betsy Jones wife of plaintiff Robert Jeffries; Sally Jones left Ann wife of Jas Chowning; Peggy Jones married Richard Dunn plaintiff; Polly Jones married Jno Thomas [in 48-J-20 corrected as Thompson]. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 48, item 48-J-15.]
In 1839, orators and oratrices George Saunders and Lucy his wife and George Durham and Polly his wife complained that John Crow their grandfather died in 1820 having left a last will and testament. He asked that the balance of his slaves to be equally divided between his children to wit the heirs of William Crow, namely William, Robert, Patsy, Nancy, Henry, Ennis and John Crow, heirs of William Crow deceased, Thomas, Moses and John Crow, and the children of his deceased daughter Massy Jones and children of deceased daughter Sarah Crane. He asked Thomas to “make profit” on Massy’s children’s shares for them. Thomas, Moses and John were named as executors, but only Thomas and Moses took on the burthen. Lucy Saunders and Polly Durham shew that they with Armistead and Dorothy Jones were the children of the said Massy Jones. Division of William Crow’s estate was made in a previous suit. The children of William Crow presented a bill asking reexamination and the division was affirmed, then reversed. Thomas Crow died in ____ while the appeal was pending and appointed his son George Crow and James Croxton executors. George Crow died in March 1830. Moses Crow was left the surviving executor of William Crow. The orators charge that the accounts have been mismanaged. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 49, item 49-D-38.]
On 26 October 1839, James Durham provided a deposition in suit of Saunders vs. Crow that concerned in part George Durham:
The deposition of James Durham of lawful age taken at the dwelling house of Doctr Jefferson Minor pursuant to notice to be read as evidence in a suit depending in the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery of Essex County wherein George Saunders and Lucy his wife and George Durham and Polly his wife are plaintiffs and James Croxton surviving Executor of Thomas Crow decd, who was one of the Executors of John Crow decd and Mary M. Crow admix of Moses Crow and in her own right and others are defendants
This deponent being duly sworn
Question by the pltiffs counsel—
Please state any thing you may have heard Moses Crow say in relation to Armistead Jones’s selling the negroes bequeathed by John Crow decd to the children of his daughter Massy Jones and all you may know in relation thereto
I heard Mr Crow say a little time before he sold the negroes to Mr Hill, that he wished to God, that Armisteed [sic] Jones, would take the whole of them, and carry them off and sell them, for they were so much trouble to him, and no profit.
Question by same—State if you know Armistead Jones’s circumstances whether he held any property also whether he had not been absent for some time out of the state as it was supposed before it was said he carried off the negroes?
Answer—He held no property, except his interest in these negroes, and he had been absent from the state for several years, but returned for twelve months, before it was said he carried off the negroes.
Question by same—State who John P. Armstrong married, & whether his wife is not alive, & whether she has children?
Answer, He married Melissa Crow, daughter of old Mr Thos Crow. His wife is alive, and I know she has a child, and I believe children.
Question by defts Counsel—When Moses Crow said that he wished to God, that Armstead Jones would carry off the whole of the negroes—Do you really and sincerely believe he was in earnest, or whether he was in a fit or otherwise excited—
Answer, It might have been his wish for aught I know.
Question by same—Are you the father of one of the pltf’s in this suit, George Durham and are you the agent of your son in this suit
Answer, I recognise him as my son, I am not the agent of my son in this suit.
Question by same—Have you not been active in attending the various[?] proposed references of the matters involved in this suit, and have you not be active [sic] in the prosecution of this suit.
Answer, Yes, I have, at the request of George Saunders I have taken an active part in this suit, and also to aid my son,
And further this deponent saith not.
James Durham
Subscribed and sworn to before me a Justice of the Peace for the County of Essex this 26th October 1839.
James Semple J.P.
[Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 49, item 49-D-5.]
The estate of Susanna Jones in account with Richard D Dunn, administrator, from 1838 to 1839 was ordered recorded 18 November 1839. Includes a division of the estate: $8.27-4/7 each to James Durham in right of wife, Robert Jeffires in right of wife, Ann Games in right of her mother, Richard D Dunn in right of his wife, and William McFarlane in right of his wife; $2.16-3/4 + 1/7 to George Durham in right of his wife Polly, George Saunders in right of his wife, Obadiah Alexander ditto, and Armistead Jones in his own right; and $4.13-1/2 + 2/7 to Willis Brooks in right of his wife, and John H Smither ditto. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 418–419.]
The estate of Mary Thompson in account with Richard D Dunn, adminsitrator, from 1838 to 1839 was oredered recorded on 21 October 1839. Includes distributions of $8.24-4/7 to James Durham in right of wife, Robt Jeffries in right of wife, Ann Games in right of her mother, Richard D Dunn in right of wife, and William McFarlane in right of wife; $2.06-3/4 + 1/7 to George Durham in right of wife Polly, George Saunders in right of wife Lucy, Obadiah Alexander in right of wife, Armistead Jones in own right; $4.13-1/2 + 2/7 to Willis Brooks in right of wife and John H. Smither in right of wife. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 419–420.]
1840 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia:
Durham, George
1 male under 5 [this would be George W. Durham]
1 male 20-30 [this would be George Durham]
1 female under 5
2 females 5-10
1 female 20-30 [this would by Mary Jones Durham]
1 female 50-60
1850 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia
Page 98
Dwelling 585, Household 585
Durham, George, 43, male, laborer, born in Virginia, cannot read or write
Durham, Sophronia, 38, female, born in Virginia, cannot read or write
Durham, Mary, 18, female, born in Virginia
Durham, George, 15, male, born in Virginia
Durham, Sophronia, 11, female, born in Virginia
Durham, Susan, 10, female, born in Virginia
Durham, Benjamin, 3, male, born in Virginia
Rogers, Elizabeth 16, female, born in Virginia
On 20 December 1850, George Durham purchased property at the estate sale of William Beazley for $.69. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 27, pages 68–69.]
He is listed as his son George’s father in George’s marriage record.
Marriageabt 29 Sep 1828, Essex County, Virginia