NameThomas Starke 
Birthbef 14 Jan 1711
Thomas Stark was mentioned in the 14 January 1711 will of his grandfather James Boughan: “Secondly I give unto my Grandson Thomas Stark the Colt that now belongs to my bay Mare.” [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 76–77.]
On 19 March 1733, Mary Edmondson, James Webb, John Webb and Thomas Starke were bound £1,000 sterling for Mary Edmondson’s execution of the last will and testament of John Edmondson. Signed Mary Edmondson, James Webb, Jno Webb, Thos Starke. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 198–199.] [See record below of the same date.]
On 19 March 1733, Thomas Starke, Thomas Jones, Simon Miller and John Bridgforth were bound £1,000 current money for Thomas Starke’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of ffrancis Layton. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 207–208.]
On 20 March 1738, Mary Jones, Thomas Starke and Thomas Bridgforth were bound £2,000 sterling for Mary Jones’s executorship of the estate of Thomas Jones. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, page 161.]
The will of Thomas Starke of St Anns in Essex was dated 28 January 1742:
“In the name of God Amen I Thomas Starke of St. Anns in Essex being sick but of sound mind and memory make this my Last will & Testament first I recomend my Soul to God that gave it and my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor Item I give and bequeath to my God Daughter Sarah Starke two negroes one named Hannah & her Youngest Sister the daghters of my negro Phebe to her the said Sarah Starke my Uncles daughter forever Item I have go the said Sarah Starke my wifes mourning Ring Item I have to my Cousin William Starke one negro man Called Austin to him forever Item I give to my Cousin Thomas Starke the son of John Starke & Grandson to my Uncle one dozen of Silver spoons Item I give to my Godson John Rowzee son of Capt. John Rowzee one negro boy Called Peter & one negro Girl Called Sarah to him forever Item I give to Capt. John Rowzee my Gold Sleeve Buttons Item I give to Mrs. Rowzee the wife of Capt. John Rowzee one mourning ring Item I give to my God Daughter Sukey Boughan the Daughter of Augustine my negro Judith & her Youngest Child forever Item I give to my Godson Starke Bowlare twenty pounds Sterling to buy one negro Girl & give pounds more to be laid out on his Education Item I give to my Godson John Wortham give pounds Ster to be laid out on his Education & two Cows & two yearlings Item I give to my Godson William Elliott two cows & two yearlings Item I give & bequeath to my Sister Mary Layton my negroes Bristow, Nan, & a negro Boy the son of Phebe with two feather Beds & furniture twelve pewter plates six pewter dishes my Bay horse Colt and a side sadle of six pounds Value, to her forever Item I give to my Brother Thomas Ley in full of all claims or demands whatsoever, these negroes Essex, Phebe Joe & Ness Valentine & Sarah, two feather beds the second & fourth in goodness all my wearing apparel my trunk & great Bible to him forever Yet my will is, that if my Negroes Valintine & Sarah should not choose to live with my Brother, then I give them to my Unkle and his heirs forever Item I give to my God Daughters the Children of Daniel Burford four Cows and Calves Item I give to my God daughter the daughter of John fford four cows and Calves Item I give & bequeathy the Land I bought of Charles Mallory to Mrs. Elizabeth Brooke Widow & her heirs forever Item I give to Mrs. Ann pratt my Negro boy James & one mourning Ring of a Guinea Value I give to my Sister Mary Leyton my plain Gold ring Item I give to Mrs. Ann Rose my Silver snufbox Item I give to Henry Rose son of Robert Rose Clerk all my Right to Eleven hundred Acres of Land near Tye River with any Ballance now in his ffathers hands for the purchass of Rights to him & his heirs foreer Item I give to Mary Stokes twenty Shillings yearly for the term of five years if she lives so long. Item I give to Mrs. Margaret ffrench & to my Cousin Mr. Augustine Boughn, to each of them all they owe to me Item I give to my Servant Philip Cole his ffreedom Item my will is that after my debts & Legacies are paid that the Remainder of my Estate be Sold & laid out on the Education of the poor Children of St. Anns Parish at the discretion of my Executor Item I appoint my friend Capt. John Rowzee my Sole Executor of this my will Signed & Sealed this twenty eighth day of January in the year of our Lord Christ 1742”. Signed T. Starke. Witnesses: Patrick Mitchell, Robt. ffrench, Mary Muscoe. On 15 March 1742, “This Last will and Testament of Thomas Starke deced being presented in Court the fifteenth day of ffrebruary Last by John Rowzee Gent the Executor therein named and Thomas Starke heir at Law of the sd. deceedent being summoned to make his objections against the proof of the sd. Will and now failing to appear The sd. will was proved by the Oath of the sd. Executor and also proved by the Oath of Robert ffrench and Patrick Mitchel Witnesses thereto…”
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 428–429.]
On 15 March 1742, John Rowzee, Benja Winslow and Simon Miller Gentleman were bound £1,000 sterling for John Rowzee’s execution of the last will and testament of Thomas Starke. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 430–431.]
The estate of Thomas Starke Jr Decd in account included payment of quitrents in King William County, money paid to “Thomas Starke his Uncle”, paid to “Joseph Farguson for Digging his Grave”, “John Boulware for his son Legacy Left him by Mr Starke”, “Mary Layton for a Legacy Left her By her Brother Mr Starke, and a Legacy Left to John Wortham. Presented in court on 19 February 1744/5, ordered recorded 19 February 1744/5. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 7, pages 244–247.]