NameRhonda Lee Andrews 
Birth15 Mar 1956
Death1 May 1965
BurialEssex Cemetery, Tappahannock, Essex County, Virginia
On 1 May 1965, Rhonda Lee Andrews died at Tidewater Memorial Hospital, Tappahannock, Essex County, Virginia. She was 9 years old; white; usual residence Rt. 1, Bx. 22, Tappahannock, Essex County, Virginia; father Arthur Jackson Andrews, mother George Sidney Boughan; citizen of U.S.A.; never married; occupation student; born in Virginia on 15 March 1956; informant A. J. Andrews. Cause of death “Fracture at base of skull,” interval between onset and death 2 hours; due to “Fall from horse on hard surface of road,” interval between onset and death 2 hours. Cause of death injury from fall from horse. Time of injury 2:30 p.m.; time of death 4:30 p.m. Location of injury Hiway, Rexburg, Essex. [Commonwealth of Virginia, Certificate of Death 14735.]