NameSarah “Sally” Boughan 
Birthbef 1770
Deathabt Sep 1830
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 10 July 1804, Sarah Crow made a deposition concerning her grandmother, Cary Boughan [who died November 1784]: The Affidavits of Sarah Crow of lawfull age taken at Capt Lewis Bookers store in Essex county between John Turner & Cary his wife William Howard and Elizabeth his wife pltfs and John Boughan Administrator of Cary Boughan Decd defts
This deponent being duly sworn deposeth and saith that she was well acquainted at her grandmothers all the time of her Widowhood as I do not think that I ever missed a week from being there if the weather was good & I was well & some times staid their a considerable time Question by Deft after your Grandmothers death do you know how much Brandy was on the plantation
Ans I do not know how much there was but there was two casks such as are called quarter casks one to the best of my knoledge was full & the other they were using out of I cant say how much was in it.
Qust by deft do you know whether there was any Brandy or Cyder sold after your grandmothers death belonging to the plantation
Ans I do know that aunt Cary Boughan (now Cary Turner) sold of each to several persons and recievd the money for it
Quest by Deft do you know how much corn there was on the plantation Ans I know that there was a corn House full but how much the house held I do not know & I heard say there was some left in the stock [stack?] Quest by deft do you know whether your grandmother bought the negro girl Sint Ans I heard her say that she did & intended her for aunt Cary but afterward I heard her say that if she maried John Turner one of the plts that she never should have the negro nor nothing that she had to give Quest by John Turner one of the plts who distilld the Brandy belonging to the Estate as mentioned above Ans my Grandmother the widow of John Boughan decd but my aunt Cary Boughan the wife of John Turner I have seen her assist when she was present
Essex County to wit
The above affidavit taken (notice acknowledged by the parties) and sworn to before me this 9th day of July 1804
JBohannan [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery 15, item 15-D-24.]
Her father John’s estate was divided on 29 October 1806. Parcels went to Hundley Moody and his wife Catharine (44 acres), widow’s dower (90 acres), Thos. Crow and Sarah his wife (50 acres), Jesse Boughan (61 acres), and James Boughan (61 acres). [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, page 87]
On 25 May 1810, James Boughan, Jesse Boughan, Thomas Crow and Sally his wife, and Hundley Moody and Caty his wife, all of the county of Essex, sold to Major Boughan of the same county. Whereas John Boughan deceased late of the county of Essex was bound and liable to convey to the said Major Boughan a third part of a tract of land situated in the parish of South Farnham & County of Essex which was recovered in the name of the said John Boughan in an action of ejectment in King & Queen district Court against John Chenault, but before any such conveyance was made the said John Boughan departed this life intestate and the legal estate in the said Land descended to the above named James Boughan & Jesse Boughan and the said wives of the said Crow and Moody as the children and heirs of the said John Boughan, and since the decease of the said John Boughan a division hath been made of the said land recovered from the said John Chenault, as aforementioned, and on the said division a third part of the said land hath been allotted to the said Major Boughan for his proportion of the same. Bounded by lands of William Howard, the heirs of John Boughan, Rickard Burke deceased, Charles Bray deceased. For $1 paid by Major Boughan, the parties of the first part release claim. Signed Jesse Boughan, Thomas Crow, Sally her x mark Crow, Hundley Moody, Caty Moody. Witnesses: Winter Bray as to J.B. T.C. & HW, Jas Burke, Major JB Turner, Gabrel [sic[ Purkins Sen, John Boughan, Jess Boughan, Othniel Davis. Presented in court on 17 September 1810. Presented in court again on 20 July 1812, not signed by James Boughan but further proved and ordered to be recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 38, pages 275–277.]
In May 1824, Cary Turner willed that profits from the sale of her land be given to the heirs of her two brothers John Boughan and Major Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 229–230.]
In about 1825, orators and oratrices John, James Catharine, and Prisilla Games and Thomas Crow and Sally his wife who was Sally Boughan petitioned the Chancery Court. That John Boughan who was the father of your oratrix Sally Crow died in ____ intestate leaving the following children: your oratrix Sally Crow, Caty Moody wife of Hundley Moody who has died intestate without heir, Jesse Boughan and James Boughan who has also died leaving James, Polly, Benjamin and Austin the last two named infants. Jesse has died leaving a last will and testament. John Boughan died soon after Jesse. Jesse’s wife died intestate without issue leaving your orators and oratrices John, James, Catharine and Priscilla Games brothers and sisters of the whole blood her heirs. The said John Boughan left a widow Sally who died in 1824. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 42, item 42-M-21.]
Sally Crow was mentioned in the 1825 will of her husband Thomas Crow. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 293–294.]
In an undated petition, orators and oratrices Nathaniel Crow, John Crow, Sally Crow and Malissa Crow, Elizabeth Crow and Kitty Crow infants by Sally Crow their mother and next friend, complained that Thomas Crow died on ____ 1825 testate. James Croxton has married a daughter Sarah. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 44, item 44-D-17.]
Maps of the division of the lands of Thomas Crow in 1828 show parcels to Mrs Sally Crow, John Crow, Malissa Crow, Kitty Crow, George Crow, James Croxton in Right of his wife, Elizabeth Crow and Nathaniel Crow. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 44, items 44-D-14, 44-D-15, and 44-D-16.]
In an undated petition, orators and oratrices Nathaniel Crow, Benjamin Broocke and Elizabeth his wife, Melissa Crow and Kitty Crow an infant by the said Benjamin Broocke her next friend complained that Thomas Crow died in 1825 leaving a widow Sally and children your orator Nathaniel Crow and oratrices Sarah Croxton wife of James Croxton and Crow and George Crow, the two last died of full age unmarried. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 37, item 37-J-20.]
The will of Sally Crow of the County of Essex was dated 3 May 1830. Very sick and weak in body. To my three single daughters, Malissa, Elizabeth and Kitty, the dwelling house with all its improvements and a part of my land on which the house stands. Rest of estate to all my children. Son-in-law James Croxton Jr. to be executor. Signed Sally Crow. Witnesses: Was. H. Purkins, James Boughan, William Gordon. Proved 20 September 1830. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 155.]
On 19 October 1830, James Croxton Jr. and Charles Bray were bound in the penalty of $800 for James Croxton’s executorship of the estate of Sally Crow, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 156.]
The estate of Cary Turner in account with Thomas Purkins, executor, from 1825 to 1830, and the estate of John Turner, deceased, in account with Thomas Purkins, administrator, from 1826 to 1830 were ordered recorded 18 April 1831. Includes from Cary’s estate 1/9 share payments ($41.72) to distributees in November 1830: Mary Boughan’s administrator, Elizabeth Boughan, Lucy Boughan, Gabriel Boughan, John Boughan, James Croxton for Sally Crow’s part who was Sally Boughan, W.H. Purkins administrator of Thomas Boughan, ditto the administrator of Josiah Minter who married Caty Boughan; and the heirs of James Boughan (1/4 of 1/9 or $10.43): James Boughan, Mary Boughan, Benjamin Boughan, and Austin Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 270–274.]
In the early 1830s (probably 1831), orators and oratrices Nathaniel Crow, James Croxton and Sally his wife, Melissa Crow, Benjamin Brooks and Elizabeth his wife and Catharine Crow an infant by the said James Croxton, (who show that they are the only heirs of the late Sally Crow, who was one of the heirs of John Boughan), and your orators and oratrices James Boughan, Polly Boughan, Benjamin Boughan by Henry H. Boughan his trustee and Austin Boughan that they are the only heirs of James Boughan deceased filed complaint with Chancery Court in Essex County. That the late Jessee Boughan was the remaining heir of the late John Boughan deceased. That Jesse died many years ago, leaving a widow Elizabeth, deceased for many years. That administration of his estate was granted to John Games. That John Boughan and his brother Major had two small tracts of land in Essex on Piscataway, 13-1/2 acres known as Kerchevall. Major Boughan’s heirs transferred their interest in the land to John H. Upshaw. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 38, item 38-F-6.]
The estate of Sarah Crow, deceased, in account with James Croxton, executor, from 1830 to 1832 was ordered recorded on 17 September 1832. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 498–500.]
In an undated petition from Croxton &c vs Crows heirs &c, orators and oratrices James Croxton and Sally his wife who was Sally Crow, John P. Armstrong and Malissa his wife who was Malissa Crow, complained that Thomas Crow the father of Sally and Malissa died in ____ 1825 having left a last will and testament, leaving a widow Sally Crow who died in _____ 1830 and seven children viz Nathaniel John George Sally who married your complainant Croxton, Malissa now married your complainant Armstrong, Cathrine [sic] who intermarried with John C. Brizendine and Elizabeth who intermarried with Benjamin Brooks. George died in ____ of full age intestate and without heir and John died in ____ of full age intestate and without heir. The estate was divided in the case of Crow vs. Crows Exrs. Nathaniel died sometime in the year 1833 or thereabouts leaving 5 children: Lucinda, John, Elizabeth, Thomas and Nathaniel, all under age. Cathrine the wife of John C. Brizendine died in 1833 without issue. That Elizabeth the wife of Benjamin Brooks died in ____ without issue. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 47, item 47-K-5.]
On 23 October 1839, in a deposition given by John P. Armstrong, the relationship between Lucy Jones, and Thomas and Sarah Crow was discussed:
Question by same—
Did you, or did you not understand that the children spoken of in your last answer, to be the present wives of the ptffs Saunders and Durham—
Ans yes—
Question by same—What did the ptff Saunders say in relation to the feelings of his wife towards the late Thomas Crow—
Ans He Saunders said that his wife said they (Thos Crow and wife) felt like a father and mother to her
[Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 49, item 49-D-10.]
Birthbef 1773
DeathDec 1825