NameRichard A. Boughan 
Birthbef 1818
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia; Vernon County, Missouri
Death15 Sep 1898
On 28 September 1841, Henry H. Boughan sold to Richard A. Boughan about 25 acres in South Farnham Parish, Essex County, for $5. Witnesses: Richard P. Banks, Wm R. Purkins, E. R. Boughan. Recorded 18 October 1841. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 47, pages 218–219.]
On 3 April 1838, Richard A. Boughan witnessed the will of Catharine Dix, and proved the will in court on 17 December 1838. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 340.]
On 20 April 1843, Henry H. Boughan and Eliza his wife sold to cover debts. Whereas Henry H. Boughan is indebted to Austin Brockenbrough, James R. Micou & Richard Hipkins merchants $197 by bond with Muscoe Garnett, security; Thomas C. Gordon security for another bond to George H. Dobyns; (list of debts owed here goes on for a full page), Henry H. Boughan and Eliza his wife sell for $20 to Muscoe Garnett and Richard A. Boughan a tract of 470 acres bordering Mrs [?] S Jones, Wash H Purkins, James Durham Jr & Mrs Crow, 470 acres on which Henry H. Boughan now lives, 202 acres bordering John S Cox and Carter Croxton where Sarah Wood resides and is subject to her life estate, and slaves and household goods. Muscoe Garnett and Richard A. Boughan are to sell this property if Henry H. Boughan defaults on payments. Ordered recorded 3 August 1843. Contains the original signature of Richard A. Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, pages 18–21.]
In 1843, orators & oratrix James H. Boughan, Richard P. Banks and Martha A. Banks his wife who before her intermarriage was Martha A. Boughan, Edward R. Boughan, Theodore P. Boughan, the two last infants under twenty one years of age by Richard A. Boughan their next friend, complained that Henry H. Boughan departed this life about the day of 1843 intestate leaving your complainants James H. Martha Edward R. Theodore and Richard A. Boughan his only offspring and heirs at Law, and a widow Eliza Boughan. That the said Henry H. Boughan being much embarassed in his circumstances and being anxious to secure & save harmless all who were securities for him and to provide for the payment of all his debts did on or about the 21st of April 1843 (together with his wife Eliza Boughan) execute a deed of trust conveying all his estate both real and personal to Muscoe Garett and Richard A. Boughan to secure all his securities and the payment of certain debts (listed in the bill). That Henry H. Boughan & wife were to remain in quiet and peaceable possession of the property conveyed by said deed until the 20th day of April 1844 at which time if the debts were not paid the trustees could procede either at their own discretion or at the request of any security or creditor to sell for cash the said property and discharge the debts. That it will take the greater part if not the whole of the property to pay off the debts and that to attempt to keep the property together will create great waste and loss and that to postpone the sale of the Land until next April (1844), a time at which farmers have all planted their crops and made their arrangements for the year, will cause a very great loss to creditors and the complainants. They request that the land be sold partly for cash & partly on a credit until the 1st day of April 1844. The trustees Muscoe Garnett and Richard A. Boughan have declined doing so alledging that they have no authority. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 40, item 40-E-1-21.]
On 3 August 1843 Richard A. Boughan makes a transaction. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, page 129.]
On 17 April 1844 Richard A. Boughan buys property. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, page 246.]
On 21 October 1844, the sale of Howard Grove property was recorded, for which R. A. Boughan and Muscoe Garnett were trustees. In a certain deed of trust from Henry H. Boughan which bears date 20th of April 1843 and acting in the case of Boughan vs Boughan’s Trustees they proceeded on 3 October 1843 to offer at public sale a tract of land called Howard Grove. The highest bid was for $6.49, which the legatees and creditors thought was too low, and not wanting the land to go for under $7 per acre, one of the trustees bid $6.99. This was thought confusing, so the bid was withdrawn, and this caused the lower bid to also be withdrawn. Finally the land was sold for $6.50 per acre, for a total of $2899. Signed Muscoe Garnett, R. A. Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, pages 292–293.]
1850 U.S. Census, Bates County, Missouri
6th District
Dwelling 490, Household 490
Samuel F. Loving [Loring?], 28[?], male, merchant, value of real estate $200, born in Massachusetts
Boughan, Richard A., 25, male, lawyer, born in Virginia, married within the year
Boughan, Rosalie, 18, female, born in Virginia, married within the year
E. R. Boughan of Essex county, Va., is visiting his brother, Col. R. A. Boughan, of this city. [The Nevada Noticer (Vernon County, Missouri), 19 June 1890, page 3.]
E. R. Boughan of Essex, Va., is visiting Colonel R. A. Boughan family. [The Kansas City Times, 22 June 1890, page 20.]