Deathabt Dec 1709
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 10 April 1708, Dorothy Henry, James Boughan and John Parker were bound in the penalty of £1000 sterling for Dorothy Henry’s administration of the Estate of Daniel Henry. Signed Dorothy her H mark Henry, James Boughan, John Parker. Witnesses: James Boughan Junr, Ja: Alderson. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 13, pages 98–99.]
In the name of God Amen
I Dorothy Henry of St. Anns parish in Essex County being weak of body but in perfect Sence & memory do make this my Last Will & Testament in form & manner following —
Imprimis I bequeath my Soull to God that gave it firmly trusting in the merrits & mediation of our blessed Lord & Savour Jesus Christ —
Secondly I bequeath my body to the Earth to be Decenty interred as the Will of my Exers hereafter mentioned Shall See fitt & for what wordly Estate God hath blessed me with, wch I give as following
Thirdly I give unto my Grandaughter Susanna Boughan three hundred acres of Land which I live on & the heires of her body lawfully begotten but if ye said Susanna Boughan Should dye & leave no issue of her body lawfully begotten then the sd three hundred acres of land I give unto my Grandaughter Susanna Curtis to her heires forever
Fourthly I give unto my two Grandsons Thomas & Augustine Lee the other part wch I Live on to be equally divided to them & the heires of their bodys lawfully begotten, but if my two Grandsons or either of them should dye & leave no issue lawfully begotten then his or their part so dying without issue as aforesd I give unto my Grandson Augustine Curtis & his heires forever also I would that they should have equall part of ye timber not making any wast
Fifthly my Will is that my Grandaughter Susanna Boughan take three hundred acres where she pleases
Sixthly I give unto Susanna Boughan my Grandaughter these negroes Tom & Nan his wife Tom their son Beck their daughter I leave a young negro woman & a young Child named nane[?] in ye room of the Twenty five pounds I owe her forever
7thly I give unto Augustine Lee my Grandson two negro one named Robin ye other named Cussie a Mulato for & in Consideracon of Twenty five pounds left him by his Grandfather my Dead husband
8thly I give unto Elizabeth Goldman two Negro women one named Besuch[?] the other named Judeth
9thly I give unto my Grandaughter Susanna Curtis one Negro Girle Named Sarah
10thly I give unto Elizabeth Curtis one negro boy named Jemy
11thly I give unto Sarah Curtis one negro boy named Gabill
12thly I give unto my two Daughters Rose Curtis & Dorothy Ransome Each of them a Shilling to be their part of my said Estate they having already had Sufficient from me
13thly I give unto my Grandson Thomas Lee four Cows & Calves & also a fether bed & all furniture & a horse called Warner
14thly I give unto my Daughter Mary Leftwich one negro man named Jack Mucco to Go upon the plantation to Susanna Boughan
15thly I give unto my Grandson Augustine Lee fower Cows & Calves a fether bed rug, blankett, Sheets & bolster, & an old black mare with a white star in her forehead with her Colt
16thly I give unto Grandaughter Susanna Boughan my riding horse & a young mare about four years old & all the rest of my Cattle & halfe of my plate two beds & all furniture half ye pewter & houshold goods the rest to be given to Thomas & Augustine Lee, & my hogs to be equally divided between Susanna Boughan Thomas & Augustine Lee
17thly What I have left to my Grandaughter Susanna Boughan when she dyes shall be at her disposall what my mother left me ye Corn & Tobacco & ye forty & five pounds for the two Negros yt was hanged shall go to pay my Debts my clothes Linen to be divided amongst my Grandaughters, my great trunk I give unto Grandaughter Susanna Boughan
18thly I give unto my three Grandaughters the other halfe of my plate Elizabeth Goldman Mary Leftwich Dorothy Avery to be equally divided amongst them
19thly I give unto my Daughter Mary Leftwich one bed Rug, Sheets, blankets and bolster
20thly I give unto Samuel Dry School master Ten Shillings or a Gold ring for writing of this my last Will
Lastly I do appoint my very good friends Mr John Boughan & his wife Susanna & Thomas Lee Executors of this my last Will & Testament & in Confirmation of all which I have hereunto set my hand & seale this nineteenth day of December 1709
Dorothy her H mark Hen: (Seal)
Signed Sealed & Acknowledged in the presence of us
Samuel Dry
Thomas his T mark Ward
Wm his + mark Dickenson
proved by the oaths of Thomas Ward & William Dickenson two of the witnesses hereto in Essex Couty Court ye 10th day of Janry 1709 And was ordered to be Recorded, And is Recorded
Test. Richard Buckner ClCur
[Essex County, Virginia, Deed & Will Book 13, pages 271–272.]
On 10 January 1709/10, John Boughan, Tho: Lee, Jno Games, and Ja: Fullerton were bound in the penalty of £2000 sterling for John Boughan’s, Thomas Lee’s and Susanna Boughan’s execution of the will of Dorothy Henry deceased. Signed John Boughan, Thos. Ley, John Games, James Fullerton. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed & Will Book 13, page 272.]
On 11 May 1710, Joseph Boswell brought suit against John Boughan and Susanna his wife: Joseph Boswell brings suit against John Boughan and Susanna his wife and Thomas Ley executors of the last will and testament of Dorothy Henry deceased administratrix of the estate of Daniel Henry deceased ffor three pounds 7 shillings 8 pence Stirl. Court of 11 May 1710. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, County Court Papers 1683–1728, Folder 2/1710.]
To the Honble: Alexander Spotswood her Majesties Lieutenant Governor of Virginia
John Boughan & Susanna his Wife Thomas Lee and Augustine Lee of the County of Essex most humbly
That by Inquisition taken the tenth day of March in the year 1708 a Trace of Land conteining six hundred twenty seven Acres & six Perches being in the sd County was found to Escheate to her most Sacrd Majestie from Daniel Henry late of the sd County deced
That Dorothy Henry Relict of the sd Daniell did at her own Charge obteine a Warrant for the sd Inquisition & procured the Same to be Executed And Conceiveing She had an Equitable right to the sd Land did Devise three hundred acres part of the sd Land to Your Petr. Susanna her Grandchild & the residue to Your Petrs. Thomas & Augustine her Grandchildren & soon after departed this Life
That due Publication hath been made of the sd Inquisition And the Petition of Thomas Todd to traverse the Same hath been Dismissed by the Honble. the Generall Court
That the Petition of Peter Ranson & his Wife for part of the sd Land hath been heard before the sd Court & the most Equitable right to a Grant of the sd Land Adjudged to be in Your Petrs. as by Certificat thereof hereto Annexed may appeare
Wherefore Your Petrs. humbly pray Your Honour will be pleased to Grant a Patent for the said Land to them & their heirs for ever
And Your Petrs. shall ever Pray &c
[Loose Paper, Library of Virginia]
At a Genrll: Court held at the Capitol April the 20th 1711 —
John Boughan & Susannah his wife Thomas Lee & Augustine Lee all of Essex County by their petition praying a Grant of 627 Acres & 16 perches of Land lying in the Said County found to Escheat from Daniel Henry decd to be made to them in proportion as Divided by the Will of Dorothy the Widdow of the Said Decd and Peter Ransone & his wife one of the Daughters of the said Dorothy by their petition Setting forth that they Conceived they have Equall Right to the said Land with the said Boughan &c: and Thom[illegible — paper torn] by his petition haveing prayed to be Admitted to [Traverse?] the [illegible — torn] finding the Said Land to Escheat but he not appearing Now [illegible — paper torn] petition is Dismist And the Governor being pleased to Referr the Cond[illegible — paper torn] of the other Two petitions to this Court on hearing the Said Will Read Together with the Arguments of the Several petitions that Appeared It is ye Oppinion of the Court that the said Boughan & his said wife Thomas Lee & Augustine Lee have the Most Equitable Right to a Grant of ye sd Land According to the Will of the said Dorothy wch: is hereby Certifyed to her Majties: Lieut: Governor & Commander in Cheif of this Dominion in order to their obtaining a patent for the said Land
Copia Test C C Thacker CGC
[Loose Paper, Library of Virginia]