NameBenjamin Edmondson 
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
5 January 2014 note from researcher Beverly Brunelle: It appears that Benjamin Edmondson (b. about 1694 died about 1726 m. Margaret Upton Finney - CANNOT be the son of Thomas Edmondson (b. before 1643 and d. 1715 Essex Cty, VA). Benjamin has always been a confusion as he was not listed in Thomas' Will. Various reasons could have explained this, however, Benjamin's descendants appear to be of the I1 Haplogroup. Of the sons named IN Thomas' Will, from both Joseph and Thomas (Jr) lines - they are Q Haplogroup.
On 21 May 1717, Benjamin Edmondson, James Boughan, Jno Boughan and John Crow were bound £500 sterling for Benjamin Edmondson and James Boughan’s administration of the goods chattles and credits of Wm Edmondson deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 15, page 48.]
On 9 September 1718, Benja. Edmondson, with Wm. Covington and Wm. Covington, junr., inventoried the estate of John Crow. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 53–54, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 29 December 1718, Wm Covington Senr, Benj Edmondson and Wm Covington junr made further inventory of the estate of John Crow deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, page 180.]
On 16 August 1720, an undated inventory of the estate of Eliza. Crow, made pursuant to order of 21 June 1720, was returned to court, made by Nicholas Smith, Wm. Covington junr., and Benja. Edmondson. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 202–204, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 20 September 1723, a judgment was renewed against Benjamin Edmondson, Sarah Boughan and James Boughan, executors of James Boughan deceased, administrators of William Edmondson deceased, in a case brought by Paschal Greenhill. The defendants failed to appear; judgment was for 624 pounds of tobacco and attorney’s fees. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 6, page 20.]
The will of Benjamin Edmondson was dated 23 November 1726. Sick in body. To son Thomas all my Land. Son Thomas to pay unto my sons Benja and Upton £8 when they come of age. To wife Margit whole estate during her life. To daughter Mary negro girl named Sue. After Margit’s death equal division of estate between the four children. Executors to be loving brothers John and Thomas Edmondson. Signed Benja Edmondson. Witnesses: Tho: Williamson, Evan his 9 mark Davis, James his t mark Finey. Proved 21 November 1727. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 240–241.]
On 21 November 1727, Margt Edmondson, William Covington, and Henry Purkins junr were bound £500 sterling for Margt Edmondson’s execution of the last will and testament of Benjamin Edmondson. Signed Margt Edmondson, [others]. Ordered recorded 21 November 1727. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 241–242.]