NameJosiah McTyre 
Birthbef 1735
Deathabt Oct 1795
ResidenceMiddlesex and Essex Counties, Virginia
On 3 December 1754, Josiah Mactyer failed to appear in court. “This day came the Pltf by his attorney & the Deft altho’ solemnly called, came not nor did he say any thing in his own Defence. It is therefore considered that the sd Pltf recover against the sd Deft Five pounds Currt money & also his costs by him in this behalf Expended (wth an Attorneys fee) & the said Deft in mercy &c” [Middlesex County, Virginia, Orders 1752–1758, page 224.]
On 7 November 1755, James Richeson of the County of Essex and Sarah his wife sold to Josiah Macktyer of the same. For £48.5, a parcel in the County of Essex bordering that of Thomas Clark and Mountague, amounting to 70 acres more or less. Dated 7 November 1755. Signed James Richeson, Sarah her x mark Richeson. Witnesses: John Sadler, George Lee, John Beaman. Recorded 18 May 1756. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 212–213.]
On 6 March 1762, Josiah Mactier of Essex County purchased for £15 a tract of 21 acres from John Sadler of Essex County. Witnesses were Henry Street, Richard Street, and William Lee. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 29, pp. 106–108.]
Josiah McTyer, with Henry Street and John Sadler, inventoried and appraised the estate of William Collins. No date, recorded 19 August 1765. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 12, page 184.]
An inventory of the estate of Sebell Carlton was made by John Sadler, Abra Mountague and Josiah Mctyre. Total valuation £98.5.0. Ordered recorded 21 May 1770. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 12, pages 387–388.]
On 4 September 1783, Josiah McTyre witnessed the will of Henry Street of Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 13, page 427.]
On 18 September, the division of the estate of Henry Street was recorded (ordered June 1784), made by John Montague, Richard Montague and Josiah McTyer. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, page 46.]
Will of Josiah McTyre: “In The name of God amen I Josiah McTyre of the County of Essex do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament in manner & form followeth. Item I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Hundley one Negro man named Lue to her & her heirs for Ever. Item I give unto my beloved Wife Thre negroes named James, John & fanny to her & her heirs for Ever. Item I give unto my wife one bay Mare & saddle also one cow & two Hiffers Likewise one bead & furniture first choys & also two chist to her & her heirs for Ever. Item I Lend unto my beloved wife all The Rest of my Estate during her Life. Item at my wifes death I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Hundley one negro Lad named Marlow to her & her heirs for Ever. Item at my wifes death I likewise give unto my gran daughter Catharine McTyre one negro man named Squir to her & her heirs for Ever. Item at my wifes death I give unto my Gran son Josiah McTyre Ten pounds good & Lawfull money to him & his heirs for Ever. Item at my wifes death I Give unto my son Henry McTyre the Land & plantation whereon he now Lives to him & his heirs for Ever. Item at my wifes death I Give unto my Gran son George McTyre Hundley the Land & plantation whereon I now Live also twenty one acres of Land I purchased of Mr. John Sadlar to him & his heirs for Ever. Item at my wifes death my Will & desire is that my depts should be paid & all the Rest of my Estate should be Equilly divided between my son Henry McTyre & my daugter Elizabeth hundley to them & Their heirs for Ever I Also do constutute & appoint my son Henry McTyre & Thomas Hundley Exors to this my Last will & Testament signed sealed & acknowledged This Seventeenth day of Febuary One Thousan seven Hundred ninety five.” Signed Josiah McTyre. Witneses: Lewis Montague, John Sadler, William Parson. Proved in Essex County Court 20 October 1795. Probate obtained by Henry McTyre and Thomas Hundley. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, page 190.]
On 20 October 1795, executorship of the estate of Josiah McTyre was granted to H. Y. McTyre and Thomas Hundley. Henry McTyre, Thomas Hunly, John Sadler, and Lewis Montague acknowledge their bond in the penalty of £500. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, page 191.]
On 20 October 1795 the court ordered an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Josiah McTyre, which was carried out by William Simco, John Yarrington and Henry Street. No total valuation. Includes: Negroes Lewe, Sqire [sic], Marlow, James, Fanny, John, Billy, beds and furniture, plates, spoons, dishes, parcel of old pewter, pewter basons, pots, knives, forks, leather, hoes, an ax, iron wedges, duch oven, fire tongs, yarn, cotton, meal bags, one old mans saddle, frying pan, plow and hoe, tubs, chests, meal sifters, cards, glasses, a peper box and salt seller, cups and saucers, spoons, mustard pot, one ovel table, one looking glass, one square table, one elbow chaer, eight setting chears, three counterpins, one sheet and 1 bed quilt, two spining wheels, wood, two books, a parcel of old books, 287 ten peny nails, 400 eight penny nails, 10 barrels of corn, a stack of foder and shucks, a bushel of oats, five hundred weight of tobacco, one yoak of oxen, one black cow, one red cow, one pide cow, one red steer, six hoggs, one sow and six piggs, eight sheep, one cow, one red heffer, one pide heffer, one bay mare, one womans saddle, one bed and furniture, etc. Total valuation looks to be about £420. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 194–195.]
The estate of Josiah McTyre in account with William Montague from 1802 to 1812 was recorded in March 1812. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 22, item 22-H-2.]