NameMary Brown 
In Land Trails records for 21 May 1751 the will of Daniel Brown, of Essex County, South Farnham Parish, dated 18 January 1707, is recorded. The will gives his old plantation to his eldest son Abraham Brown. His next son, Henry Brown, received the old plantation. Henry was not yet 21 years old in 1707. The other son, Francis Brown, received remaining property. Francis was not yet 21 years old in 1707. Daniel Brown’s wife was Jane Brown, still living at the time of his death. Daughters included Sarah Boughan, Mary Brown, Jane Brown, and Elizabeth Brown. The will was proved 10 7ber 1708 [10 September]. There is also with this case a deed from Sarah Boughan, who was Sarah Brown, to Francis Boughan [male] dated 13 October 1746, which refered to the will of Daniel Brown of 18 January 1707. The case came to trial because John Doe had sought an ejection notice for Francis Boughan, and Francis had failed to appear in court. A Henry Boughan is also mentioned. [Essex County, Virginia, Land Trials 1741–1760, p. 137]