NameMarvell Moseley 
ResidenceMiddlesex County, Virginia
On 3 September 1694, Marvell Moseley appeared in Middlesex Court to acknoweldge a survey of 146 acres made by Edwin Thacker, part of 450 acres granted to Robt Chowning in 1663 and deeded to Marvell Moseley 28 August 1694. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Deeds Etc. 1687–1750, item 11.]
The will of Marvil Moseley was dated 13 February 1720. “In the name of God amen I Marvil Moseley of the County of Middx being in good helth & of perfet Sence & memory preised be to allmighty Good for the same do make & Ordaine this to be my last will and Testament revoaking & makeing voyd all wills be me heretofore made, first I bequeath my Soul to God that gave it trusting through the merrits of Jesus Christ to receve Absolute pardon & remission of all my sins mext I bequeath my body to the grave theire to be decently Interred at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned and Expressed & for what wordly goods the Lord hath lent me I Dispose of as followeth
Item I give unto my Sun Marvil Moseley the plantation whereon he now lives to him & his heirs lawfully begotten of his body forever
Item I give unto my Sun John Moseley my plantation whereon I now live 1 halfe the wood land Ground that lyes over the branch next to my Sun Marvils plantation to him & his heirs forever
Item I give to my Sun Marvil one Negro man named Robin to him & his heirs forever
Item I give unto my Son John one negrow woman named Janey to him and his heirs forever
Item I give to my Grandafter Sarah Moseley the dafter of John & Mary Mosley one Neagrow boy named Caspur[?] to her & her heirs forever
Item I give to my Son John my beaste feather bed with all the furniture thereunto belonging
Item I give unto my Son Marvil my feather bead that Stands in the puterd[?] Rom[? partly illeg] with all the furniture belonging to it
Item I give to my Grandafter Elizabeth Danniel my feather bead and furniture that stands in the Jueard[?] Room
Item I give unto my Son John all my hoggs
Item I give unto my Sun Marvel my Small ovel Table
Item I give unto my Sun [sic] Jane the Square Table that Stands under the window before my bead with the draw in it
Item I give unto my GrandSun Mosley Danniel my Young Mare
Item I give unto my three GrandChildren Mary Danniel Ann Danniel & Agatha Danniel five pound a peace to be paid to them when theay are Mareyed by my Executors here after named
Item I give unto Jane Stapleton forty shillings to be paid by my Exers within a twelve Month after my dcease & all the rest of my household Goods & Catel & all other thing to me belonging undisposed of, I give unto my two Sons Marvel Mosley & John to be equaly divided between them
Lastly I make my two Suns Marvel Mosley & John Moseley my hold & Sowl Executers of this my last will & Testament & In witness whereof I have set my hand & ffixed my seal this thirteenth day of ffebry in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & twenty
Marvel [his M mark] Mosley seal”
Witnesses: John Seagar, John his J mark Evins[?], Martha her M mark Tugel. Proved 6 March 1721. [Middlesex County, Virginia, Will Book B, 1731–1734, pages 238–239.]