NameWilliam Howard 
Birthabt 1782, Virginia
Deathabt 1838
BurialSand Hill Cemetery, Mead County, Kentucky
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia; Breckinridge County, Kentucky
On 21 September 1801, John Burke and a William Howard were bound $12,000 for John Burke’s guardianship of Lucy Gatewood, orphan of Caleb Gatewood. [Essex County, Virginia, Guardian Book 3, pages 98–99.]
On 18 January 1802, John Jones and a William Howard were bound $1,500 for John Jones’s administration of the estate of Rickard Burke. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 123–124.]
On 18 January 1802, a William Howard, Isaac Gatewood and James Johnston returned an inventory and appraisal of the estate of James Burke to Essex County court. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 122–123.]
On 21 February 1803, a William Howard witnessed the will of John Burke. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 200–201.]
On 16 July 1804, a William Howard, with Robert Gatewood and Wm Gatewood, was bound $1,000 for Robert Gatewood’s executorship of the estate of Isaac Gatewood. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, page 299.]
On 11 September 1804, William Howard junr provided an affidavit: The affidavit of Caston Boughan and William Howard junr both of lawful age taken at Capt Lewis Bookers Store, in a suit in Chancery now depending in Essex County Court between John Turner and Cary his wife and Wm. Howard Senr and Eliza his wife Pltffs and Major Boughan Executor of John Boughan deceased defendant, these deponants being duly sworn deposeth and Saith, that they was [sic] in company with John Turner, William Howard Senr, and Major Boughan at William Howards junr sometime after being there a conversation took place, something about the account of Sale of the Estate of John Boughan Deced (the particulars we do not recollect) however it was agree’d on by each party that we Caston Boughan and William Howard junr should take the Copy of the Acct of Sales and examine it, and on examination we found some small errors in it, and not knowing how to rectify it acurately without seing the original Sale Book, we apply’d to William Howard Senr who kept the said original Sale Book on the day of Sale, we then rectifyd it and William Howard Senr said it was right. we then deliver’d the said Copy of the account of sales to Major Boughan Exrs of John Boughan Deceas’d
First Question by John Turner one of the Pltffs Was the account of Sales recorded? Answer we do not know but neither the original Sale Booke nor the Copy alluded to above was from the office
Essex County to wit,
Caston Boughan and William Howard Junr personally appeared before me and made oath that the above affidavit contained the truth
Given under my hand this Eleventh day of September 1804
LBooker [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 15, item 15-B-5]
William Howard Sr was named co-executor, with Major J. B. Turner, of the estate of John Turner in John Turner’s 1805 will. He gave bond of $3,000, with William Howard Jr. as security. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 361–362.]
An undated bill of complaint in Essex County states that Rickard Burke died in March 1801, leaving a widow Ann (still alive at the writing of the bill); son John Burke, who died about February 1803, testate, who appointed Thomas Barton executor; son Thomas Burke, who died about February 1802, testate, never married; son Martin Burke, died 1806 intestate, estate administered by Ben H. Munday; son Lewis Burke; daughter Barbara Burke, who married John Chenault and died in 1807; daughter Mary Burke, who married Richard Meador; daughter Nancy Burke, who married Caleb Gatewood and had an only child named Lucy Gatewood, who married William Howard; son William Burke, who died during his father’s lifetime leaving a daughter Polly Burke; and son James Burke, who died in his father’s lifetime leaving children Betsey, Nancy and James Burke. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 32, 1823, Item 32-G-38.] The bill was answered by John Jones, Ann Burke, and Richard and Mary Meador and sworn to on 22 September 1807, confirming by and large the facts in the bill of complaint. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 32, 1823, Item 32-G-32.] A decree settling the case was issued by Essex County court the same day. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 32, 1823, Item 32-G-36.] The decree settled the estate by giving one-eighth portions each to: Richard Meador and Mary his wife; Thomas Barton executor of John Burke; Ben H. Munday, administrator of Martin Burke; Lewis Burke; William Howard and Lucy his wife; Polly Burke; Betsy, Nancy and James Burke; John Chenault. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 32, 1823, item 32-G-33.]
On 2 October 1807, a deed was made between Richard Meador and Mary his wife, William Howard and Lucy his wife, and Stephen Chenault and Mary Eleanor his wife of the first part, and Hundley Moody of the second part. For 5 shillings, the parties of the first part sell to Moody land formerly owned by Rickard Burke, which was willed by Rickard Burke to be equally divided among his children. The widow of Rickard, Ann, has a life interest in the land. Some of the land was sold to Stephen Chenault by Lewis Burke and John Chenault and Barbara his wife. Signed Richard Meador, Mary Meador, W. Howard Senr., Lucy her + mark Howard, Stephen Chenault. Witnesses: John Jones, William Gatewood, Thomas Crow. Recorded 19 October 1807, but without the signature of Mary Eleanor. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 37, pages 264–265.]
William Howard’s will was proved in Breckinridge County, Kentucky in 1838.
For general information about William Howard, see: Gothberg, Carol J., John and Amy Gatewood, and Their Descendants 1666–1986. Baltimore: Gateway Press Inc., 1987, page 27.
Marriageabt 1802, Essex County, Virginia