NameEphraim Beazley 
Birth1 Feb 1762, Caroline County, Virginia
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
DeathJun 1833
FatherCornelius Beazley
“Polley Armstrong, the Daughter of Ellis Armstrong and Phanney his wife was marred [sic] to Richard Beazley the son of Ephriam the 14 Day of Jany 1811” [Armstrong family Bible at the Virginia State Archives, Acc. 27094]
On 18 March 1811, Mourning Johnston and Ephraim Beazley were bound in the penalty of £2,000 for Mourning Johnston’s administration of the goods, chattels and credits of James Johnston, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, page 272.]
An inventory and appraisal of the estate of Lewis Dix was made by Archibald Ritchie, Ph. Montague and Ephraim Beazley by order of 16 October 1815. Total valuation is large, probably over $3,000. Submitted by Warner Lewis, administrator. Recorded 15 January 1816. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 244–246.]
The estate of Thomas Wood Senr in account with the estate of Lewis Dix deceased administrator from 1815 to 1816 was examined and settled by Sthreshely Rennolds, John Waring and E Beazley and recorded 19 February 1816. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 262.]
On 15 July 1816, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Edmund Edwards by Ephraim Beazley, John Games and Ewen Clements was submitted and recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 293.]
In October 1816, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Elizth Sullivan was made by Ephraim Beazley, John Beazley and Wm C Latane and recorded on 22 April 1817. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 387.]
In 1820, Ephraim Beazley Sr was taxed for one white male over the age of 16; 4 blacks above the age of 12; 9 blacks above the age of 16; 5 horses, mares, colts or mules; and a 2-wheeled carriage valued at $50. [Essex County, Virginia, 1820 Personal Property Tax Book.]
On 2 February 1821, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Samuel Kendall was made by Ephraim Beazley, Edmund F. Noel and Richard Motley. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 199–201.]
On 21 June 1824, Graves Burke, an Ephraim Beazley, John Crow and Moses Crow were bound $14,000 for Graves Burke’s execution of the will of Tandy Dix. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 59.]
On 19 November 1827, Benjamin H Munday and an Ephraim Beazley were bound $150 for Benjamin H Munday’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Alexander Elliott. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, pages 194–195.]
On 19 March 1830, Ephraim Beazley served on a coroner’s jury to inquire as to the cause of death of George Crow. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 83–84.]
I Ephraim Beazley, do hereby make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say —
1st I desire that all my just debts be paid. 2ndly After the payment of my debts, I give to my wife the following slaves, Caroline, Suckey and black Eliza and their future increase forever and two beds & my desk. 3rdly I give to my son Richard Beazley, Hannah and her young child Phoebe and their future increase forever and the plantation on which he lives during his natural life at his death the plantation to his son Ephraim — 4thly I give to my son Cornelius Beazley, Solomon. 5h. I give to my son Ephraim Beazley, Archie, Sally, Amy and their future increase forever. 6thly I give to my daughter Jane Beazley during her natural life Dick, Dabney, Barnett, Rachel, Maria and her children and their future increase and all the household and Kitchen furniture, one Cart, one yoke of oxen, three Cows, two horses, two ploughs and gear complete, and all the hogs on the plantation where I live, which plantation I also give to my said daughter with all the lands I own lying on the other side of the main road, between the sd road and the Mount Landing Creek — after her death all the property I have left her with the exception of the slaves I give to my two grand children Jane & Ephraim chidlren of Ephraim Beazley, should either of them die before they come of age and leave no child to go to the other — the slaves to be equally divided amongst all the children of my son Ephraim — Jane and Ephraim to come in for their proportion. — 7thly I give to my son John Beazley Harrison, Harry Nelly and her future increase forever, and that part of the plantation on which he lives which part lies on the south side of the main run above Alice Shipps land — 8thly. I give to my daughter Nancy Fox Richard & Celia and her future increase forever. — 9thly I give to my grand daughter Elizabeth B Lathom all that part of my plantation with the houses upon it lying on the north side of the main run from the land left John Beazley & Wm. Jackson Beazley, and the following slaves Jessee Peggy and Milly and their future increase forever, two Cows, one yoke of oxen & one Cart and all the hogs on the plantation — 10thly, I give to my son Wm. Jackson Beazley all that part of my plantation lying on the south side of the main run below the land left John Beazley & seperated from the land left Elizabeth B. Lathom by the main run, and the following slaves Horace Edmund Sarah, Matilda & Eliza and their future increase, but should he die before he come of age and leave no child for it to return to my estate again and the negroes to be divided amongst all my children and the land to go to my grand daughter Elizabeth B Lathom — It is further my desire whatever should be found due my estate after paying my debts in bonus money &c one half of it should go to my son Wm Jackson Beazley — It is further my desire that my wife should have a way to go out to the main road from her farm through the Plantation on which I live as heretofore — This the 21st day of June eighteen hundred and thirty three —
Ephraim Beazley.
Witnesses: Edmund F Noel, Austin Brockenbrough, Edmund his x mark Stokes
On 15 July 1833, proved by Edmund F Noel and Austin Brockenbrough and admitted to record. On the motion of Warner Lewis, a certificate granted him in order to his obtaining letters of administration of all the goods, chattels and credits, he having entered into a bond in the amount of $18,000 with Henry W. Latane his security.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 113–115.] [Original will is found in Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 45, item 45-K-21.]
15 July 1833, Warner Lewis and Henry W. Latane were bound in the sum of $18,000 for Warner Lewis’s administration with the will annexed of goods, chattels and credits of Ephraim Beazley. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 115.]
On 20 February 1833 and 20 July 1833, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Ephraim Beazley was made by Edmund F Noel, Ben H Munday, and Wm C Latané. Includes slaves Horace, Solomon, Archie, Barnett, Rachel & her 3 children, Milly & her child, Melinda, Sara, Amy & her 3 children, Caroline, Suckey, Matilda, and Maria. Additional slaves at secondary location Jessee, Dabney, Dick, Harry, Philip, Eliza, Hannah & her child Phebe, Black Eliza, Edmund, Abraham, and Amy. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 139–143.]
On 1 May 1834, a bill was filed in the case of Beazley et al vs Warner Lewis et al. Complainants Ephraim Beazley, John Beazley, Jane Beazley and Nancy Fox who was Nancy Beazley children of Ephraim Beazley deceased. That on __ June 1833 their Father departed this life having made a last will and testament. Administration with the will annexed was granted to Warner Lewis. Ephraim left a widow Polly and children besides your complainants Cornelius, Richard and William Jackson Beazley, together with a grand daughter Elizabeth Lathom the wife of Jonathan Lathom. That the last will and testament had been rewritten by Edmund Noel, changing its meaning and intent. That Ephraim Beazley was not aware of the legal effects of the alternations. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 45, item 45-K-26.]
On 5 March 1836, Cornelius Beazley gave power of attorney: I Cornelius Beazley of the County of Jefferson and Territory of Florida do hereby constitute and appoint Warner Lewis of the County of Essex and State of Virginia my Lawful Attorney to receive as one of the legatees of Ephraim Beazley deceased. Signed Cornelius Beazley. Witness: Wm Budd. Certified by Wm Budd, Justice of the Peace for the County of Jefferson. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 45, item 45-K-18.]
In the late 1840s or early 1850s, John Henry Barton complained to the Chancery Court. That Polly Sale recently died intestate leaving five children to wit: your complainant, & Mary Elizabeth (wife of William Fidler) offspring of the first marriage of the said Polly to Henry Barton decd — William Jackson Beazley the offspring of the second marriage with Ephraim Beazley decd, & James Harvey Sale & Sarah Catharine Sale, offspring of the third and last marriage with Arthur [here the words “T. Sale” are crossed out and “Henry T.” is interlined above] decd, the last three infants under 21. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 41, item 41-G-23.]
William Irving Brooks, in letter of 29 March 1993 to Thomas Moore, writes: Said to have come to Essex Cty from the mountains of Va. about 1750. He bought Mt. Landing Farm in Essex Cty, Va. He was a veteran of the Revolutionary War, 2nd Continental Line.
According to the DAR Patriot Index, via Irene Kopp Moore, an Ephraim Beazley was born about 1741 and died 1823. He married Winifred Pleasants and was a soldier from Virginia during the Revolutionary War.
Marriageabt 27 Mar 1832, Essex County, Virginia