NameJane Beazley 
Birthbef 21 Jun 1833
Jane Beazley was mentioned in the 21 June 1833 will of her grandfather, Ephraim Beazley, proved 15 July 1833. “6thly I give to my daughter Jane Beazley during her natural life Dick, Dabney, Barnett, Rachel, Maria and her children and their future increase and all the household and Kitchen furniture, one Cart, one yoke of oxen, three Cows, two horses, two ploughs and gear complete, and all the hogs on the plantation where I live, which plantation I also give to my said daughter with all the lands I own lying on the other side of the main road, between the sd road and the Mount Landing Creek — after her death all the property I have left her with the exception of the slaves I give to my two grand children Jane & Ephraim children of Ephraim Beazley, should either of them die before they come of age and leave no child to go to the other — the slaves to be equally divided amongst all the children of my son Ephraim — Jane and Ephraim to come in for their proportion.” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 113–115.]