NameElizabeth “Betsey” Hundley 
Birth2 Apr 1799
Death23 Mar 1827
“Elizabeth Hundley was born in the year 1799 April 2nd” [Hundley Family Bible, Library of Virginia Accession #24598a.]
In an undated petition, Thomas Hunley, Larkin Hunley, Austin Hunley, Elizabeth Hunley, Edwin Hunley, Andrew Hunley and Nancy Hunley, the said Larkin, Austin, Elizabeth, Edwin, Andrew and Nancy infants under the age of 21 by Elizabeth their next friend and in her own right, complained that Thomas Hunley died on ____ 1815 intestate leaving a widow Elizabeth and eight children, your orators and oratrices and George M. Hunely who is the administrator. [Throughout the petition, the name Hunley was originally Hundley, but all the Ds have been crossed through.] [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 36, item 36-I-16.]
In about 1820, orators and oratrices Geo: M. Hundley, Larkin Hundley, Charles Layton and Betsey his wife who was Betsey Hundley, Austin Hundley, and Andrew Hundley, Edwin Hundley and Nancy Hundley infants by Geo: M. Hundley their next friend complained to the Chancery Court. That Thomas Hundley the father of your orators and oratrices, and also of Thomas Hundley, died some years ago. His widow Elizabeth recently died. From about 1820. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 42, item 42-J-18.]
“Elizabeth Layton died in the year 1827 March 23rd” [Hundley Family Bible, Library of Virginia Accession #24598a.]
“Elizabeth Layton died 23 Mar. 1827 born 2nd Apl. 1799”. The words “Mount Comfort” are included, but it’s unclear whether they pertain to birth or death. [Hundley Family Bible, Library of Virginia Accession #24437.]
Birthabt 1782, Virginia
Death11 Nov 1856
Marriageabt 13 Jan 1816, Essex County, Virginia