NameJohn Grigory 
Residence(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia
On 16 April 1666, John Grigory gifted to Thomas Edmondson. “Bee it Knowne unto all men by these pnts that I Jno Grigory of Hoskins Creeke in the County of Rappa Planter out of and for the Love and Affection I have for Thomas Edmundson of the same County Planter my Sone in Law and for the Better prefermts and benefitt doe by these pnts give and grant unto the said Thomas Edmundson, Eight head of Cattle to him and to his heires for Ever five of the sd Eight head being in the marke of the said Jno Grigory and Comonly Called or knowne by the Names of Gentle, Tydy, Marygold, Prymrose, & Violett the other three being Calfes unmarked To have and to Hold the said Eight head of Cattle wth all their increase male & Female unto the said Thomas Edmondson and his heirs for Ever wth:out the Lett hindrance Molestacon of the said Jno Grigory his heires Exectors or Admors or any of them by Vertue hereof Given undr: my hand and Sealed wth: my Seale this 16th: day of Aprll: Anno: Domni: 1666” Signed John Grigory. Witnesses: Joane her very curly mark Owen, Susannah Meader. Ordered recorded 12 February 1666. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 174–175.]
On 17 August 1667, John Grigory witnessed a deed from Thomas Edmondson and his wife Ann to Neill Peterson, all of Rappahannock County. Signed John Grigory. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 292–293.]
On 4 November 1667, John Grigory witnessed a power of attorney from Ann Edmondson, wife of Thomas Edmondson, to Neil Peterson. Signed John Grigory. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, page 293.]
On 4 November 1667, Thomas Edmondson and John Grigory witnessed a deed from Thomas Gaines and Margaret his wife to John Morraine. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 294–295.]
On 4 November 1667, Thomas Gaines and Margaret his wife sold property to John Grigory. Witnesses: Thomas Edmondson and John Waggener. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 295–296.]
On 4 October 1672, Edmund Pagett for valuable consideration sold to John Grigory 100 acres more or less on the South side of Major John Weirs Creek formerly granted to Edmund Pagett and W Sarjant. Signed Edmund Pagitt. Witnesses: Thomas Robarts, Francis Brown. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 5, pages 67–68.]
On 26 February 1673/1674, John Grigory for “five and Twenty hundred pounds of Tobacco” assigned right and title of “this” land to Edmund Pagitt, making reference to page 226, but nothing related seems to be there. Signed John his E mark Gregory, Elizabeth her E mark Gregory. Witnesses: Theophils Weale, Mary her O Whitchunk[?]. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 5, page 295.]
On 26 December 1677, John Grigory served on a jury in an inquiry to a deed from Robert Clemmons to Thomas Harper. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 6, pages 16–17.]