NameEdwin Beverly Brooks 
Birth24 Oct 1893, Dunbrooke, Essex County, Virginia
DeathRichmond, Virginia
On 24 October 1893, Edwin Beverley Brooks was born in Essex County, Virginia. He was male, 5th child in order, parents were married. Father was Henry Edgar Brooks, white, 34, born in Essex County, Virginia, occupation farmer. Mother was Lillie Howerton Beazley, white, 34, born in Essex County, Virginia. Parents were married on 22 December 1881 in Essex County, Virginia. Certified by Eugene H. Brooks, brother, age 68, of 1004 West Durwood Crescent, Richmond, Virginia. Additionally supported by family Bible stating, “Edwin Beverly Brooks, son of Edgar Brooks & Lillie H. his wife was born October 24th 1893.” Applicant signed Edwin B. Brooks, 3436 Hanover Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. [Commonwealth of Virginia, Delayed Certificate of Birth, 2012, 8 April 1958.]
Name, birth data, marriage data, death data from William Irving Brooks, letter of 29 March 1993 to Thomas Moore.
Birth1 Nov 1891
Death22 Feb 1922
ChildrenMary Margaret (1919-)