NameJames Semple 
Birth27 Feb 1801, Mordington, King & Queen County, Virginia
Death19 Jul 1860, Essex County, Virginia
FatherRobert Baylor Semple D.D. (1769-1831)
MotherAnn Lowry
The estate of Joseph Burnett in account with James Semple administrator from 1825 to 1827 was recorded 17 December 1827. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, page 213.]
On 25 December 1832, James Semple witnessed the will of Elizabeth M. Boughan, and proved the will in court on 20 February 1837. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 99.]
James Semple was mentioned in the 10 July 1833 will of Washington H. Purkins, who called James his friend and who was to be a co-executor. The will was proved 15 February 1847. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 26, pages 77–79.]
On 19 August 1834, James Semple and William S Croxton were bound in the penalty of $500 for James Semple’s administration with the will annexed of the estate of Dabney Dunn, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 291.]
On 19 August 1834, James Semple and William S Croxton were bound in the penalty of $500 for James Semple’s administration of the estate of Fanny Dunn, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 291–292.]
The estate of Dabney Dunn in account with James Semple for the years 1834 and 1835 was ordered recorded 17 February 1845. The remainder of the estate was transferred to that of Frances Dunn. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 25, page 364.]
The estate of Frances Dunn in account with James Semple for the year 1835 was ordered recorded 17 February 1845. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 25, page 355.]
On 10 November 1835, James Semple purchased property at the sale of the estate of Gabriel Boughan, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 1–2.]
On 21 January 1836, an inquisition was taken on the death of Ben, a negro boy the property of Geo. Hill of Essex County, and upon the oaths of Robt. M. Davis, James Semple, William Cox, Thomas Harper, Geo Rose, Richd. D Dunn, Geo Skelton, John Clarke, Philip Coleman, James Owen, Charles H Blake, and Obediah Alexander, they “do say … that the said Ben came to his death from blows received by Nelle a female servant, on and about the head of the deceased with helve of a hoe, said Nelle the property of said George Hill”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 458.]
On 4 April 1837, sales of the estate of John Boughan were made, with purchases by Mrs John Boughan, Richd Sherwood, Thos Boughan, Jas Croxton, Thos N Clarke, H H Boughan, Lucy Boughan, William Bezley, Robert Brooks, Mrs Minter, Dr J Miner, Frank Coleman, Jas Semple, Jas Phillips, John Rouzee, Jos Wilmore, Robert Moody, Mrs Frances Boughan, Ro: G Haile, Charlott Howerton, Susan Jones, and John Coleman. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 118–119.]
On 15 May 1837, an inventory and apprisal of the estate of John Boughan, deceased, committed to the hands of James Semple. sheriff of Essex and Committee of the estate, and made by John L Cox, Henry H Boughan, and Robt G Haile, was ordered recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 117–118.]
On 4 December 1837, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Winifred Burnett was made by William Cox, R. M. Davis, and James Semple. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 263–265.]
James Semple was mentioned in the 3 April 1838 will of Catharine Dix, proved 17 December 1838, in which he was nominated executor. “I do hereby nominate and appoint my worthy and much esteemed friend James Semple Esqr Executor to this my last Will and Testament…” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 340.]
On 17 December 1838, James Semple and George T. F. Lorimer were bound in the penalty of $5,000 for James Semple’s execution on the estate of Catharine Dix, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 341.]
On 1 January 1839, Walter Bowie, Executor of Sthreshley Rennolds, deceased, and George Wright were bound unto James Semple late Sheriff of the County of Essex Committee administrator de bonis non of John Rennolds, deceased, in the sum of $12,000. Whereas by virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery of the County of Caroline pronounced on the 6th day of Sept 1838 in a suit in Chancery pending in the said Court, wherein Laurence Battaile Sheriff of Caroline County committee administrator of Sally Hipkins deceased and Walter Bowie Executor of Sthreshley Rennolds deceased are plaintiffs and said James Semple and others are defendants it was decreed and ordered that Richard Rouzee, Laurence Roane, Leroy W. Dobyns, Edward Wright, Linneus C Gatewood, or any three of them be appointed Commissioners for the purposes should appraise the slaves of John Rennolds deceased in the possession of the said James Semple admor as aforesaid, and devide the said negroes into seven lots of equal value, and allot to each of the plaintiffs two sevenths thereof and said Semple was directed to deliver said Slaves to the plaintiffs upon their executing refuding bonds &c &c, and whereas [blank] of said Commissioners have appraised said negroes at the sum of [blank] dollars and allotted to the plaintiff Walter Bowie Executor of Sthreshley Rennolds decd. the following negroes to wit Campbell, valued at Eight hundred and fifty dollars, William at four hundred dollars, Henrietta at five hundred Dollars, Rowzee at four hundred dollars, William son of Betty at three hundred dollars, Elizabeth two hundred dollars, Andrew seven hundred and fifty dollars, Harry at seven hundred dollars Louisa Caty’s daughter four hundred and fifty dollars, Toby three hundred dollars, Jacob two hundred and fifty dolls & Louisa at two hundred Dollars. Now if the above bound Walter Bowie Exor as aforesaid shall well and truly refund two sevenths of any debts or demands which may hereafter appear against the Estate of the said John Rennolds deceased and the costs attending the recovery of such debs, then the above obligation to be foic, or else to continue in full force and virtue. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 369–370.]
On July 1839, Jas. Semple, Muscoe G Wood, John H Smither, John Bird, William Wright, William S Croxton, Thomas Harper, George Rose, Lewis D Brookes Was H Purkins, George M Trible & William F Burnett served on the jury of an inquisition at the home of Frances Boughan into the death of an infant child by Mary, the property of Lucy Boughan and upon the land of Washington H Purkins. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 399.]
The estate of Mrs Caty Dix, deceased, in account with James Semple, executor, from 1838 to 1839 was ordered recorded on 21 October 1839. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 412–415.]
The estate of John Boughan, deceased, in account with James Semple, committee administrator with M G Wood his deputy, from 1837 to 1839 was ordered recorded on 18 May 1840. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 472–473.]
On 4 August 1840, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of John Minter, deceased, was made by Was: H: Purkins, James Semple, and M: G: Wood. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 502–504.]
On 13 March 1841, Henry H. Boughan, as coroner for Essex County, led an inquisition taken at the public highway near Mrs. Elizabeth B. Allen’s (deceased) into the death of Henry, a slave the property of Mrs. Elizabeth Hundley, then and there lying dead. A jury consisting of James Semple, M G Wood, Jas Durham, John J Wright, Henry Crow, Z. M. P. Carter, Baylor W Hill, Johnson Games, Philip Coleman, Willis Brooks, Caleb A Noel and Wm S Croxton state that Henry came to his death on the 12th Day of March, that he had no marks of violence, and died by being chilled to death. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 589.]
Death16 Jul 1855, Richmond, Virginia
FatherSamuel Garlick
MotherElizabeth Hill
Samuel Pearce
Elizabeth Garlick
William Muscoe
Ann Lowry
Mildred Carter Hasseltine
Sarah Ellen “Sallie”