NameThomas N. Clarke 
Birthabt 1802, Richmond County, Virginia
DeathFeb 1858, Essex County, Virginia
On 31 July 1834, Thomas N. Clarke made purchases at the sale of the estate of Major Arthur L. Barnes. [Essex County, Virignia, Will Book 24, pages 12–20.]
On 13 and/or 14 November 1834, Thomas N. Clarke purchased property at the sale of the estate of Major Arthur L. Barnes. [Essex County, Virignia, Will Book 24, pages 12–20.]
In 1835 in the case of Houston vs. Houston, orator and oratrix Robert and Sarah Howston children of Mary Howston decd and infants under 21 by Thomas N. Clarke their Guardian and next friend complained that John Crow late of the County of Essex and father of the said Mary their mother died many years since leaving a last will and testament in which he left to his daughter Mary a tract of land estimated at 120 acres. If the land turned out to be less than 120 acres her share was to be made equitable out of other lands. That at the time of John Crow’s death their mother was a feme covert, their father Alexander Howston being alive. He died in 1835. Their mother then held the land until a few weeks since when she died intestate, leaving your orator and oratrix and Jane and Polly Howston her only children. On 15 February 1836, Jno Crow assigned Guardian ad litem to defend the infants. Decree dated 16 September 1839. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 47, item 47-L-2.]
On 28 May 1835, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Alexander Houston was made by Wm B Davis, Tho N Clarke, and Wm Trice. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 436.]
On 18 July 1836, Thomas N Clarke and James Wright were bound in the penalty of $2,000 for Thomas N Clarke’s adminsitration of the estate of Carter Lumpkin, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 50.]
On 1 December 1836, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Robert Wright was made by Thomas N. Clarke, Richard L. Covington, and George Hill. Includes Easter a Negro Woman. On 15 July 1837, an inventory and appraisal of the property lent Robert Wright by William L. Waring was listed, including Peggy a negro woman, Eliza a Girl, Henry a boy and Nancy a small Girl. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 152–153.]
On 4 April 1837, sales of the estate of John Boughan were made, with purchases by Mrs John Boughan, Richd Sherwood, Thos Boughan, Jas Croxton, Thos N Clarke, H H Boughan, Lucy Boughan, William Bezley, Robert Brooks, Mrs Minter, Dr J Miner, Frank Coleman, Jas Semple, Jas Phillips, John Rouzee, Jos Wilmore, Robert Moody, Mrs Frances Boughan, Ro: G Haile, Charlott Howerton, Susan Jones, and John Coleman. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 118–119.]
On 16 October 1837, William F. Burnett, Robert M. Davis, William S. Croxton, and Thomas N. Clarke were bound in the penalty of $4,800 for William F. Burnett’s administration of the estate of Winneyfred Burnett. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 214–215.]
The estate of Carter Lumpkin, deceased, in account with Thomas N. Clarke, administrator, from 1836 to 1837 and from 1837 to 1838 was ordered recorded 17 December 1838. Includes $10.50 for “My Expences to Richd. twice to collect the money for a negro Woman named Pheby who was executed by an order of County Court of Essex”; $.75 for “Cash this sum paid for making a Coffin for a little negro”; $600.00 received “from the Executive for a negro Woman Pheby who was executed by an order of the County Court of Essex”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 332–333.]
On 27 December 1838, an inventory and appraisal of the personal estate of Mrs Catharine Dix was made by R. M. Davis, Tho: N. Clarke, and John L. Cox. [Essex County, Virignia, Will Book 24, page 351.]
On 18 November 1839, Peggy Skelton and Thomas N. Clarke were bound in the penalty of $2,000 for Peggy Skelton’s execution on the estate of George Skelton, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 428.]
On 20 July 1840, James Wright, George Wright, Thomas Wright, Wm Wright, Charles H Wright, Edward L Wright, Thomas N Clarke, William B Davis and Robert M Davis were bound in the penalty of $90,000 for James Wright’s executorship of the estate of Thomas Wright, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 495–496.]
On 10 May 1841, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Thomas Atkins, deceased, was made by Tho: N Clarke, John L. Cox, and John H. Smither. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 596–597.]
In January 1846 (date left blank), a deed of trust was executed between Caston Boughan of the first part, Thomas N. Clarke of the second part, and Thomas Boughan of the third part, all of the County of Essex and State of Virginia. Whereas the said Thomas Boughan is bound as the Security of the said Caston Boughan to various individuals in the gross sum of $300 and __ cents, and whereas the said Caston Boughan is also indebted to the said Thomas Boughan in the sum of $300 and __ cents, and whereas the said Caston is willing and desirous to save Thomas Boughan harmless from all loss, Caston Boughan for $1 paid by Thomas N Clarke sells to Thomas N Clarke two negro slaves Harry and Philip, one Chesnut sorrel mare, saddle and bridle. If Caston fails to pay the debt the slave and items are to be auctioned. Signed Caston Boughan, Thomas N Clarke, Thomas Boughan. Ordered recorded 3 February 1846. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 49, pages 48–49.]
On 1 September 1849, Thomas N. Clarke witnessed the will of Frances Croxton of the County of Essex. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 27, pages 488–490.]
On 17 December 1849, John W. Faulconer, Thomas N. Clarke, Robert M. Davis, John T. Hoskins and Richard Wright were bound $30,000 for John W. Faulconer’s execution of the last will and testament of Frances Croxton. Dated 17 December 1849. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 26, pages 490–491.]
Ann Gatewood was named in the 1809 will of her father William F. Gatewood as Nancy. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 135-137.]
1850 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia
Page 73
Dwelling 123, Family 123
Clarke, Thomas N., 48, male, farmer, value of real estate $10,000, born in Virginia
Clarke, Ann, 46, female, born in Virginia
Clarke, Robert, 70, male, born in Virginia
Clarke, Septinius, 42, male, born in Virginia
On 21 August 1854, Thomas N. Clarke and Elzer Fogg were bound $1,000 for Thomas N. Clarke’s administration of the estate of Elizabeth A. Conoly deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 27, page 455.]
On 15 September 1857, Thomas Boughan and Mary his wife sold to Thomas Croxton. Thomas Boughan and his wife grant unto the said Croxton land on which the said Boughan at present resides lying in Essex County, all the said Boughan’s slaves, stock of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs, farming implements, the growing crop of corn and all crops grown on the said land until this deed is satisfied. In Trust to secure first Thomas N. Clarke as surety for the said Boughan in a bond due to Leonard Henley Exor of James Croxton decd and secondly to secure payment now due to Joshua L Boughton a merchant of Tappahannock, Essex County, Virginia, by open account. Signed Thomas Boughan, Mary F Boughan. Ordered recorded 19 October 1857. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 51, pages 104–105.]
The estate of Elizabeth Conoly in account with Thomas N. Clarke from 1854 to 1855 was recorded 19 October 1857. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 7, pages 743–744.]
On 16 June 1856, Richard P. Banks and Thomas N. Clarke were bound $1,200 for Richard P. Banks’s execution (as one of the executors) of the last will and testament of Sally Wood deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 27, pages 615 and 617.]
On 24 March 1857, Thomas N. Clark was mentioned, presumably as deceased, in a deed from William H. Moody and Elizabeth R. Moody his wife to Peter Campbell, which sold 15 acres of a tract of 100 of the land of Thos. N. Clark. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 51, pages 72–73.]
For general information about Thomas N. Clarke, see: Gothberg, Carol J., John and Amy Gatewood, and Their Descendants 1666–1986. Baltimore: Gateway Press Inc., 1987, page 19.
Birthabt 1804, Essex County, Virginia
Marriage20 Dec 1827, Essex County, Virginia