NameJohn Waters 
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 10 October 1701, John Waters witnessed a deed from James Boughan of Essex County to Henry Boughan of Gloucester County. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 10, page 91.]
On 10 March 1703/1704, an inventory and appraisal of John Webster was recorded, made by John Waters, Will. Journey, Henry his R mark Woodnot and Andrew his x mark Dudding. Presented by James Boughan and Mary her W mark Webster. Total valuation £69.10.00. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 11, pages 206–208.]
The will of John Waters of Southfarnham parish and County of Essex was dated 18 January 1709/10. Sick and weak. Beloved wife Catherine to have her utmost according to Law. The remainder to be divided equally between my five daughters as soon as they reach the age of 18 or marry, or to be divided among their survivors. To daughter Catharine all lands in New Kent County, but in default of issue her land is to go to the next daughter. To daughter Winifred all lands in Essex County. To Jno Hines all Carpenters tooles in consideration of the love and affection I have for him, he to make my coffin. To GodSonne Henry Young, my Gunne & one redd pyed heiffer, the said Gunne now at my brother in Laws Jno Morriss. To GonSonne Jno Sarle the Gunne now at brother Youngs. Wife Catharine and Mr Wm Young to be executors. Signed John Waters. Witnesses: Catherine her X mark Young, John his HH mark Hines, Pr Godfrey. On 14 June 1711 proved by Katherine Young. On 9 August 1711 proved by John Hines. On 3 March 1711, Edward Price and Katherine his wife executrix and William Young executor presented the said will which was proved by Peter Godfrey. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 32–33.]
On 13 March 1711/12, Edward Price, Katherine his wife, Wm Young, Isaac Webb and William Covington were bound £500 sterling. Edward Price and Katherine his wife were granted a certificate for obtaining probate of the last will and testament of John Waters. Signed Edward Price, Kath [sic] her H mark Price, Isaac Webb, Wm Covington. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, page 33.]