Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
NameSusanna Gatewood
FatherJoseph Gatewood (>1730-)
In in the 1790s, Bernard Gatewood sued for distribution of the estate of his father Joseph after the death of Bernard’s mother Elizabeth: Orators Bernard Gatewood by his next friend Reuben Garnett and Joseph Gatewood and John Gatewood by Reuben Garnett their guardian. That Joseph Gatewood father of your orators died on 14 July 17__ testate. He willed his estate to his wife Eliza during her life and after her death to children Thomas, Susannah (wife of James Cole), Elizabeth, John, Edmund, Leonard since dead and your orators. Elizabeth the widow of Joseph has now died. Some of the children are still infants. Later mentions a “said” Ambrose, apparently another child. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 7, item 7-D-22.]

The affidavit of Susannah Cole of lawful age, taken before me this 9th day of November 1805. In a suit in Chancery now depending in the County Court of Essex, between John Smith administrator with the will annexed of William Edmondson Deceased plaintiff, & William Howerton Administrator of Caty Edmondson Deceased defendant. This deponent being duly sworn on the Holy Bible deposeth and saith that she was at Mrs Edmondsons about ten, or eleven years ago, and that she Mrs Edmondson was in a low state of Health, her son William Edmondson being present was applied to by his Mother to write her will. He commenced to write, and she supposed that he was writing her will, but the writing not being read to her, she is not certain whether it was the Will he was writing or not. He was directed by Mrs Edmondson to leave her Negroe Woman Sall to her daughter Judith Edmondson, and also that it was her desire Dianna R. Evans the Daughter of Charles Evans should have the first Child, which Sall might have
Question 1st by the defendant—was the writing of sufficient length to will away to above Negroes
Answer I did not see the writing at all, but he appeared to be writing long enough.
Question 2d by the defendant. Did Mr Edmondson object to his Mother’s Willing away the above Negroe
Answer. He was silent on that subject.
Question 3d by the defendant How long had Mrs Edmondson possession [sic] of the above Negroes.
Answr. I believe ever since I came to this County, as to Sall, which is about twelve or fourteen years, and the Child from the time he was born untill Mrs Edmondson’s deceased [sic].
Further this deponant saith not. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 23, item 23-B-4.]
Last Modified 5 Jul 2018Created 11 Dec 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
Last updated 11 December 2023
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