NameMartha Taliaferro Hunter 
Martha T. Hunter is mentioned in the 1787 will of her grandmother Ann Garnett. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, page 135.]
On 18 March 1826, Martha T. Hunter relinquished the right of administration on the estate of her deceased brother, James Hunter. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 362.]
An undated bill of complaint states that Sarah Hunter died intestate leaving her only children William Hunter, James Hunter, Taliaferro Hunter, Muscoe Garnett Hunter, and Martha Taliaferro Hunter. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 14, item 14-K-48.]
The will of Martha Taliaferro Hunter was dated 5 June 1833. My nephew Robert M. T. Hunter should have and possess the two negroes John and Robert whom I have bequeathed to him. Also to him my Woman Matilda together with all her family their increase, with the exception of Matilda’s daughter Evelina whom with her increase I have given to my Nephew Muscoe R H Garnett. To Rbt: M T Hunter the money due to him. Also to Nephew Robt: M T Hunter to pay Neice Jane S Hunter $300 and I also give him two old negro Women Easther[?] and Pallas. My said nephew to be executor. Signed Martha Taliaferro Hunter. On 19 October 1840, handwriting proved by James M Garnett and Maria H Garnett. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 532.]