NameMaggie Myrta Coleman 
Birth2 Dec 1884, Virginia
Death29 May 1976, Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia
BurialForest Lawn Cemetery, Virginia
Cause of deathPneumonia and possible stroke
On 29 May 1976, Myrta Coleman Shearwood died at St. Lukes Hospital, in Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia. She was 91, female, white, a resident of the City of Richmond at 1617 Claremont Avenue, ZIP code 23227, parents were Robert Coleman and Margaret Brizendine, late husband was Thomas Shearwood. Born in Virginia on 2 December 1884, retired employee at Miller & Rhoads, informant Miss Margaret Lipscomb. Cause of death pneumonia due to “suspect CVA & brain stem impaction”, death at 1:20 p.m. Burial at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia. [Commonwealth of Virginia, Certificate of Death 76-016981.]
Information on Maggie Myrta Coleman from Myrle Theimer, letter of 7 December 1993 to Thomas Moore.