NameThomas Dix 
An undated petition from orators and oratrices Thomas Dix, James Dix, Tandy Dix, Walter Dix, Addison Allen and Melissa his wife who was Melissa Dix and Catharine Dix states that James Dix died intestate, that Lewis Dix took administration of his estate, that Lewis then died and that Thomas M. Henley was appointed administrator de bonis non. Relations of the orators and oratrices not stated. The complainants, filing against Thomas M. Henley, sought the sale of the slaves from the estate, granted by decree on 16 December 1816. Catharine Dix was awarded one-third share as her dower right. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 27, item 27-G-42.]
In an undated petition, orators Thomas Dix, James Dix, and Walter Dix infant by Thomas Dix his next friend complained that Melissa Allen sister of your orators died in 1817 an infant without issue, leaving your orators and Tandy Dix only heirs at law. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 37, item 37-G-17.]
Thomas Dix was mentioned in the 3 April 1838 will of his mother, Catharine Dix, proved 17 December 1838. “… my desire is that my executor hold the money himself or put it out to Interest, and that he pay the interest annually to some person authorized to receive the same for the use and benefit of my son Thomas Dix’s family, but not for the payment of his debts …” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 340.]