NameMoses Crow 
Deathabt Jan 1836
On 21 January 1793, Moses Crow witnessed a deed from John Boughan and Sarah his wife of the County of Essex and parish of Southfarnham to Thomas Crow of the same. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 33, page 436.]
On 20 March 1815, Moses Crow and Thomas Crow were bound in the penalty of $5,000 for Moses Crow’s adminstration with the last will and testament of James Croxton annexed. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 130–131.]
Moses Crow was mentioned in the 24 January 1820 will of his father, John Crow, proved 20 November 1820, and was named an executor. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 155–156.]
On 20 November 1820, Thomas Crow, Moses Crow, Peter B. Davis, Graves Burke, Roger Shackelford and Henry H. Boughan were bound in the penalty of $40,000 for Thomas Crow and Moses Crow’s executorship of the estate of John Crow, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 157.]
The estate of William Croxton “in account current” with Moses Crow, administrator, from March 1818 to March 1821 was settled on 7 March 1821 by Purkins Armstrong, John Games, and Mourning Johnston. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 244–245.]
On 14 May 1822, orators and oratrices Moses Crow and Catharine his wife, Reubin Brooks and Elizabeth his wife, James Stodghill and Lucy his wife, Peggy Croxton, John Croxton, Samuel Doggins and Sally his wife, Delphia Croxton, Johannah Croxton, Carter Croxton an infant under 21 by Washington H. Purkins his Guardian, Eliza Croxton an infant under 21 by Moses Crow her Guardian, and Moses Crow Admr of William Croxton decd who died intestate, which sd Catharine Crow was late Catharine Croxton, Elizabeth Brooks late Elizabeth Croxton, and the said Lucy Stodghill late Lucy Croxton, Peggy Croxton, John Croxton and the said Sally Doggins was late Sally Croxton, Delphia Croxton, Johannah Croxton, Carter Croxton, Eliza Croxton and William Croxton Deceased, were sons and daughters, and Legatees of James Croxton deceased, complained that James Croxton died toward the close of 1807 or the beginning of 1808 leaving a last will and testament. He named his wife Sarah and Joseph Bohannon executors, but only Joseph Bohannon qualified. Another child, Milly Croxton, died an infant unmarried. In 1814 the relict Sarah died. Joseph Bohannon died in 1815. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 48, item 48-D-4.]
Appraisal of the estate of Thomas Allen made on 8 February 1827 by Wm G. Crittenden, Moses Crow and Mourning Johnston. Total valuation $654.55. Ordered recorded 18 June 1827.
Armistead Jones in account with Moses Crow, surviving executor of John Crow, deceased, from 1827 to 1831; Mrs. Polly Durham (formerly Polly Jones) in account with Moses Crow, surviving executor of John Crow, deceased, from 1827 to 1831; Miss Lucy Jones (now Mrs Saunders) in account with Moses Crow, surviving executor of Jno: Crow, deceased, from 1827 to 1831; and Miss Dorothy Jones in account with Moses Crow, surviving executor of John Crow, deceased, from 1827 to 1831 were ordered recorded on 17 March 1835. Accounts mention a charge “for pursuing and recovering three of the negroes carried off by Armistead Jones”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 334–340.]
On 11 November 1831, John Trible, Richard H. Harwood, Smith Young, William Smith senr., James Durham, William S. Croxton, Moses Crow, Francis G. W. Smith, Hundley Moody, Mace Clements, Richard T. Hundley and Peter Broocke served in an inquiry on the death of “Thornton, a negro boy slave the property of Addison Glascock”, that “a certain person unknown did kill and murder the said Thornton, by inflicting several blows upon his head”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 347–348.]
On 13 and/or 14 November 1834, Moses Crow purchased 1 Still &c for 13.00 at the sale of the estate of Major Arthur L. Barnes. [Essex County, Virignia, Will Book 24, pages 12–20.]
On 15 February 1836, Mary M. Crow, Washington H. Purkins and Henry H. Boughan were bound in the penalty of $7,000 for Mary M. Crow’s administration of the estate of Moses Crow. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 460–461.]
On 26 April 1836, an answer of Moses Crow to a bill of complaint by George Saunders and Lucy his wife and George Durham and Polly his wife was filed. Contains much financial information concerning the estate of John Crow. States that Armistead Jones absconded in 1831 with five of the slaves of the said trust fund. This respondent heard this in February 1831. Your respondent being sick at the time asked James Croxton and Washington H Purkins to pursue and reclaim them, and they were pursued a considerable distance beyond Richmond City. Three of the slaves were brought back, but Jack and Sukey were not. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 49, item 49-D-14.]
In 1839, orators and oratrices George Saunders and Lucy his wife and George Durham and Polly his wife complained that John Crow their grandfather died in 1820 having left a last will and testament. He asked that the balance of his slaves to be equally divided between his children to wit the heirs of William Crow, namely William, Robert, Patsy, Nancy, Henry, Ennis and John Crow, heirs of William Crow deceased, Thomas, Moses and John Crow, and the children of his deceased daughter Massy Jones and children of deceased daughter Sarah Crane. He asked Thomas to “make profit” on Massy’s children’s shares for them. Thomas, Moses and John were named as executors, but only Thomas and Moses took on the burthen. Lucy Saunders and Polly Durham shew that they with Armistead and Dorothy Jones were the children of the said Massy Jones. Division of William Crow’s estate was made in a previous suit. The children of William Crow presented a bill asking reexamination and the division was affirmed, then reversed. Thomas Crow died in ____ while the appeal was pending and appointed his son George Crow and James Croxton executors. George Crow died in March 1830. Moses Crow was left the surviving executor of William Crow. The orators charge that the accounts have been mismanaged. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 49, item 49-D-38.]
Information on Moses Crow received from Eleanor D. Wallace, letter to Thomas Moore of 20 December 1994.