NamePreston Jennings Blake 
Birth7 Jul 1899, Locust Hill, Middlesex County, Virginia
On 7 July 1899, Preston Jennings Blake was born at Locust Hill, Middlesex County, Virginia. He was male; parents were married. Father was Robert Yancy Blake; resident of Locust Hill, Virginia; white; 36; born at Harmony Village, Virginia; occuption farmer. Mother was Maggie Theodore Boughan; resident of Locust Hill, Middlesex County, Virginia; white; 32; born in Tappahannock, Essex County, Virginia; occupation housewife. Five children born to this mother up to and including this child, and three of these children died before this child was born. Information given in the presence of Harry C. Blake, uncle, age 75. Confirmed further by family Bible printed in 1892. [Commonwealth of Virginia, Delayed Certificate of Birth 23804, 10 August 1942.]