NameAnnie Maude McKann 
Birth25 Mar 1908, Samos, Middlesex County, Virginia
On 25 March 1908, Annie Maude McKann was born in Samos, Middlesex County, Virginia. She was female, 2nd child in order, parents were married to one another. Father George Cundiff McKann; white; 31[?]; born in Middlesex County, Virginia, occupation farmer. Mother Susie Croxton Boughan; white; age illegible; born in Middlesex County, Virginia. Parents married in Christ Church, Middlesex County, Virginia (no date). Certified by George C. McKann of Samos, Virginia, father. Further supported by family Bible record. Registrant signed as Mrs. J. K. McFarlane of Richlands, Virginia. [Virginia Department of Health, Delayed Certificate of Birh, 1357, 14 September 1945.]