NameThomas Greenwood 
The estate of Reuben Shepherd in account with James and Thomas Greenwood, adminstrators, for 1820 and 1821 was settled on 16 July 1821 by Anthony Haynes, Kemp Gatewood, and John Saddler. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 233–234.]
James Greenwood and Thomas Greenwood, sons of Twyman Greenwood, were mentioned in the 31 August 1823 will of Rachel Ware, proved on 17 November 1823. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 419.]
In an undated petition, orators and oratrices Susanna Greenwood, Polly Greenwood, Thomas Greenwood, Jacob Durham and Caty his wife, Ruth Cauthorn, Warner Shackelford and Lydia his wife, Leonard Collins, Edward Greenwood and William Clarke and Eliza his wife complained that Twyman Greenwood died in [blank] 1827 intestate with a small personal estate leaving your orators and oratrices Susanna, Polly, Caty W., Rutha, Lydia and Thomas and a certain Elizabeth McKan wife of Elijah MacKan not an inhabitant of the State of Virginia and Jane Brizendine now wife of Henry Brizendine and your orator Leonard Collins and grandson by a deceased daughter and your orator Edwin and your oratrix Eliza Clark and Lucy Ann and Rosanna Greenwood infant grandchildren by a deceased son James Greenwood. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 38, item 38-B-25.]
On 25 October 1834, Thomas Greenwood provided a deposition: The deposition of Thos Greenwood taken at the abovenamed time & place
Ques. by defendant—Do you know anything of a bond of $12 due from Frances Mullins to Edmd Covington dated the 19th May 1822 on demand— Ans. Yes. I do it is my own hand writing
Ques by same When did Mrs Mullins find that Edmd Covington was indebted to her & others—
Ans—At her mother’s sale
Ques. by same Did she know the sum of money in which Edmd Covington was indebted to her at that time—
Ans. I do not know that she knew the exact sum but from what Edmd Covington told me there was something due the legatees
Ques. by same Why did they not demand it of Edmd Covington before this Ans. Because they did not with to go to law with their brother & he was backward in paying his debts—
Ques. Did he refuse to settle with them
Ans. I do not know that he did—
Further this deponent saith not
Thomas Greenwood
Sworn to & subscribed before me a justice of the peace for the county abovenamed this 25th Octo 1834
Given under my hand
Arthur Temple J.P. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 45, item 45-N-21.]
“Essex County to wit:
“Inquisition indented taken at Jno Crows in the County aforesaid on the 2d of Febry 1835, before me Thos. Wright Sr Coroner for the County aforesaid upon the view of the body of Alexr. Houston late of said County then and there lying dead and upon the oaths of Richd. L Covington Foreman, Richd. D Dunn, Sthreshley Dunn Jno H Smith, Walter G. Covington, Leroy Taylor, Thos. Greenwood, Lowry Norris, Fontaine Wood, Robt T Shackelford, H H Cauthorn, Ach Lumpkin good & lawful men of the County aforesaid who being sworn & charged to enquire on the part of the said Commonwealth when where how and after what manner the said Alex Houston came to his death do say upon their oaths that having examined the said Houstons body are of the opinion that his death was caused from blows inflicted upon his head — by whom they were inflicted we know not — In witness whereof as well the aforesaid Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid have to this Inquisition put their seals on the day and year aforesaid and at the place aforesaid—“
Richard L Covington, Richard D Dunn, Sthreshley Dunn, John H Smith, Walter G Covington, Leroy his x mark Taylor, Thomas Greenwood, Lowry Norris, Fontaine Wood, Robt T Shackelford, H H Cauthorn, Achilles Lumpkin. Thomas Wright Cr. Doctor J Minor attended as a physition. Ordered recorded 17 March 1835.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 318.]
On 27 May 1839, Thomas Greenwood witnessed the will of John Smith, and proved the will in court on 17 February 1840. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 442–444.]