NameJames Muse 
Deathabt Jul 1815
The will of James Muse was dated 14 February 1815. Beloved wife Polly. Son Laurence Muse. Brothers Charles, Laurence, and Samuel to be executors. Sister Betsey Parker. Signed James Muse. Witnesses: Geo: W. Banks, Leroy Evans. Proved on 17 July 1815. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 195.]
On 18 December 1815, Laurence Muse, Samuel Muse, Tunstall Banks and John M. Garnett were bound in the penalty of $12,000 for Laurence Muse’s executorship of the last will and testament of James Muse, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 237.]
In an undated petition, orator James Ross complained that Laurence Muse was indebted to James Ross. Laurence Muse died on ___ 1832 intestate leaving a widow Martha Muse and the following persons to wit Saml Muse a brother Elizabeth Parker a sister Laurence Muse a son of another decd brother James Muse, Martha the wife of Octavius Harwer, William Muse, Samuel C. [O.?] Muse Mortimore Muse & Lucinda wife of Muscoe G Wood children of another decd brother Sally Spence wife of Edward Spence, Elizabeth Cox William R Sisson & Ann the wife of Henry Fauntelroy children of another decd sister and John Underwood & Richard Underwood infant grand children of the same sister and Ann Hungerford only child of a decd half sister his only heirs. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 46, item 46-D-9.]