On 10 February 1807, a tripartite indenture was executed between Gerrard McKenny of the County of Westmoreland of the first part, Peggy Sisson widow and relict of William Sisson decd of the same County of second part, and Richard T. Brown, William S. Jett and Richard E. Parker of the third part. Whereas the said Peggy Sisson is seized and posssessed of two tracts of land for and during her natural life, to wit one tract in Westmoreland adjacent to Westmoreland Court house, and another being in the County of Richmond which the same mentioned William Sisson purchased of Reuben Beale, and is also possessed of divers negro slaves (Patty, Anthony, Winny, Polly, Kendall, Felicia, Sam, and Lucy) and other personal property through the estate of her late husband William Sisson, all of which she holds for life, and certain property including a Negro man named James and other property which she holds in fee simple. And whereas a marriage is shortly intended between the said Gerrard McKenny and the said Peggy Sisson, it is agreed by and between Gerrard and Peggy that if the said marriage take effect, then notwithstanding the said marriage the said Gerrard shall not have any right or title or interest in the said property. Therefore this indenture, that the said Gerrard, his heirs, exors and administrators agree with the said Richard T. Brown, William Storke Jett and Richard E. Parker and the survivors of them that the aforementioned property shall be accounted and taken as a seperate and distinct estate from the estate of the said Gerrard McKenny. For five shillings paid by the said Richard T. Brown and Wm Storke Jett, Peggy Sisson sells unto Richard T. Brown, Wm Stork Jett and Richard E. Parker the aforementioned property in the estate of William Sisson, but they are to apply the annual profits of all the premies aforesaid to the use of the said Gerrard and Peggy for their mutual support and maintenance, and the support and maintenance of the children of Peggy. If no children are born of the marriage of Gerrard and Peggy, then the property shall be equally divided between Sally, Eliza and Ann Sisson, the daughters of Peggy by her late husband. Signed Gerrard McKenny, Peggy Sisson, Richard T Brown, Wm Storke Jett, Richard E Parker. Witnesses: John W. Jones, Wm M Walker, G. A. Jones, A McKenny as to Jett. On 22 June 1807 presented and ordered to be recorded. [Westmoreland County, Virginia, Deeds and Wills 21, pages 356–360.]
In an undated petition, orator James Ross complained that Laurence Muse was indebted to James Ross. Laurence Muse died on ___ 1832 intestate leaving a widow Martha Muse and the following persons to wit Saml Muse a brother Elizabeth Parker a sister Laurence Muse a son of another decd brother James Muse, Martha the wife of Octavius Harwer, William Muse, Samuel C. [O.?] Muse Mortimore Muse & Lucinda wife of Muscoe G Wood children of another decd brother Sally Spence wife of Edward Spence, Elizabeth Cox William R Sisson & Ann the wife of Henry Fauntelroy children of another decd sister and John Underwood & Richard Underwood infant grand children of the same sister and Ann Hungerford only child of a decd half sister his only heirs. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 46, item 46-D-9.]