NameFrank Trautwein 
Birthabt 1858, Maryland
1870 United States Census, Baltimore City, Maryland
6th Ward, Dwelling 1174, Household 1408
Trautwein, George, 38, male, white, Stove Finisher, $800 in personal property, born in Baden, literate, can vote
Trautwein, Juliana, 38, female, white, born in Bavaria
Trautwein, John, 14, male, white, born in Maryland, in school
Trautwein, Frank, 12, male, white, born in Maryland, in school
Trautwein, Henry, 9, male, white, born in Maryland, in school
Trautwein, Joseph, 6, male, white, born in Maryland, in school
Trautwein, Elizabeth, 4, female, white
Trautwein, Katie, 1, female, white
Possibly Frank is the Franz Trautwein who was arrested on 21 April 1874:
“Diebstähle — Gestern früh arretirte Polizist Gault die Knaben Franz Trautwein und James Nally, die aus Trümmern des in Abbruche begrissenen "New-American-Theatre" Schibsenster — Gewichter gestohlen haben sollen. Sie wurden von Richter Hagertn weider entlassen.” — “Thefts — Yesterday morning policeman Gault arrested the boys Franz Trautwein and James Nally, who were said to have stolen shards from the rubble of the demolished New American Theater. They were dismissed by judge Hagertn Weider.” [Deutsche Correspondent, 22 April 1874, page 4.]
Possibly Frank is the Franz Trautwein who was sent to juvenline detention on 22 April 1874:
“Der Besserungs — Anstalt für jugendliche Taugenichtse wurde gestern Franz Trautwein überwiesen, der seiner Mutter nicht mehr Order pariren wollte.” — “Yesterday to the reformatory for juvenile good-for-nothings was sent Franz Trautwein, who did not want to parry his mother 's orders any more.” [Deutsche Correspondent, 23 April 1874, page 4.]
1883 Baltimore City Directory, pages 995 and 996:
Trautwein Frank, canmakr, 210 n Caroline
Trautwein Geo. tinner, 210 n Caroline
TRAUTWEIN JOHN, Plumber and Gass Fitt, 65 n Frederick, dw 210 n Caroline
On 18 December 1884, the Deutsche Correspondent published:
“Criminalgericht. — (Vor Richter Phelps.) Geo. Mann, Diebstahl, 4 Jahre Zuchthaus; James Moore, ditto, freigesprochen; Thomas Downen, ditto, 6 Monate Haft; Frank Trautwein, ditto, 1 Jahr Stattsarbeitshaus; Julius Danzeglod, Spirituosenverkauf am Sonntag, $20; Thos. Coleman, Spirituosenverkauf an Minderjährige, freigesprochen;” etc. — “Criminal Court. - (In front of Judge Phelps.) Geo. Husband, theft, 4 years penitentiary; James Moore, ditto, acquitted; Thomas Downen, ditto, 6 months in prison; Frank Trautwein, ditto, 1 year state work house; Julius Danzeglod, Liquor sale on Sunday, $ 20; Thos. Coleman, selling spirits to minors, acquitted;” etc. [Detusche Correspondent, 18 December 1884, page 4.]
On 19 December 1884, the Deutsche Correspondent published:
“Franz Trautwein bekannte sich gestern schuldig, dem Jakob Herzinger von Nr. 285, Süd-Broadway, einen Rock und ein Paar Beinkleider gestohlen zu haben und wurde auf ein Jahr nach dem Staatsarbeitshause gesandt.” — “Yesterday, Franz Trautwein pleaded guilty to having stolen a skirt and pair of trousers from Jakob Herzinger, No. 285, South Broadway, and was sent to the state workhouse for a year.” [Deutsche Correspondent, 19 December 1884, page 4.]
In July 1895, a Frank J. Trautwein was nominated to be appointed to the Baltimore City Board of Supervisors of Elections for the fifth ward, fifth precinct. [The Baltimore Sun, 19 July 1895, page 5.] In September, this appointment was confirmed, with Frank J. Trautwein serving as a ballot clerk. [The Baltimore Sun, 5 September 1895, page 7.]
On 5 March 1897, the Deutsche Correspondent listed the name of Frank Trautwein as a participant in the Repblican Club of the Fifth Ward. [Deutsche Correspondent, 5 March 1897, page 6.]
On 29 October 1898, Frank Trautwein was a pall bearer at the funeral of Wilhelmine Schubert at 1540 McElderry Street, Baltimore. [Deutsche Correspondent, 1 November 1898, page 6.]