NameElizabeth “Lizzie” Trautwein 
Birthabt Sep 1866, Maryland
Death6 Jul 1876, Baltimore, Maryland
1870 United States Census, Baltimore City, Maryland
6th Ward, Dwelling 1174, Household 1408
Trautwein, George, 38, male, white, Stove Finisher, $800 in personal property, born in Baden, literate, can vote
Trautwein, Juliana, 38, female, white, born in Bavaria
Trautwein, John, 14, male, white, born in Maryland, in school
Trautwein, Frank, 12, male, white, born in Maryland, in school
Trautwein, Henry, 9, male, white, born in Maryland, in school
Trautwein, Joseph, 6, male, white, born in Maryland, in school
Trautwein, Elizabeth, 4, female, white
Trautwein, Katie, 1, female, white
On 7 July 1876, Der Deutsche Correspondent posted:
Trauriges Ende eines kleinen Mädchens. — Ein Matrose der an Dugan's Werfte liegenden Brigg "Maggie Batl" gewahrte gestern Morgen kurz nach 11 Uhr eine kleine Leiche, die neben dem Schiffe im Wasser lag. Man zog die Leiche an's Land und erkannte in derselben die 9-3/4 Jahre alte Lizzie Trautwein, Tochter der in Nr. 62, Centre-Market-Space, wohnenben Frau Anna Trautwein und des verstorbenen Georg Trautwein. Coroner Walter hielt eine Leichenschau, und die Geschworenen gaben einen Wahrspruch ab, der auf "zufällig ertrunken" lautete. Das Kind hatte vorgestern Abend die Wohnung seiner Mutter verlassen und war dann nicht wieder gesehen worden. Man nimmt an, dass es an der Werste spielte, dem Rande derselben zu nahe kam und und in's Wasser stürzte. Die Beerdigung der Berunglückten ist auf heute früh 10 Uhr angesetzt.
Sad end of a little girl. - A sailor located at Dugan's shipyards Brigg "Maggie Battalion" saw yesterday morning shortly after 11 o'clock a small body lying next to the boats in the water. He pulled the corpse ashore and recognized in the same the 9-3/4-year-old Lizzie Trautwein, daughter of No. 62, Centre-Market-Space, house of Anna Trautwein and the late George Trautwein. Coroner Walter held an autopsy, and the jury gave a verdict that she was "accidentally drowned." The child had yesterday evening left her mother's apartment and was then not seen again. It is believed that she played at the Werste, came too close to the edge and plunged into the water. The funeral of the victim is scheduled for 10 this morning.
[Der Deutsche Correspondent, 7 July 1876, page 4.]
TRAUTWEIN.—Suddenly, on July 5, ELIZABETH, daughter of Anne and the late George Trautwein, aged 9 years 9 months and 18 days.
Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, this (Friday) morning, at ten o’clock from No. 62 Marsh Market space.
[The Baltimore Sun, 7 July 1876, page 2.]