NameEllen Christian Boughan 
Birth22 Jun 1910, Howertons, Essex County, Virginia
On 22 June 1910, Ellen Christian Boughan was born in Howerton, Essex County, Virginia. She was female and her parents were married to one another. Father John Hancock Boughan; resident of Howerton, Virginia; white; 46; born in Howerton, Virginia; occupation farmer. Mother Sophia Brooks; resident of Howerton, Virginia; white; 24; born in Howerton, Virginia; occupation housewife. Two children born up to and including this child, no children have died. Certified by Sophia [her x mark] Brooks of Warsaw, Virginia; mother; 60. “Filed by special request. Because of late filing without satisfactory written evidence the date of this birth cannot be guaranteed.” [Commonwealth of Virginia, Delayed Certificate of Birth, 1405, 6 November 1940.]