NameAlfred Thomas Hodges 
Birth16 Jul 1899, Howertons, Essex County, Virginia
Death11 Apr 1960, Dunnsville, Essex County, Virginia
Burial13 Apr 1960, Rappahannock Christian Church Cemetery, Dunnsville, Essex County, Virginia
On 16 July 1899, Alfred Thomas Hodges was born in Howertons, Essex County, Virginia. He was male, white. Father was Richard Thomas Hodges; white; 44; born in Essex County, Virginia. Mother was Mary Deliah Greenwood; white; 20; born in Essex County, Virginia. Certified by Mary D. Hodges of Dunnsville, Virginia, 76, mother. Further supported by Bible record stating, “Alpheus Thomas Hodges, son of Richard T. Hodges and Mary Greenwood, his wife, was born July 16 1899.” [Virginia Department of Health, Delayed Certificate of Birth 2547, 20 February 1956.]
On 11 April 1960, Alfred Thomas Hodges died at his residence in Dunnsville, Rappahannock District, Essex County, Virginia, which was on a farm. He was male; white; married; born 16 July 1899; age 60; salesman for Ware Oil Co.; born in Essex County, Virginia; citizen of the United States; father was Richard Thomas Hodges; mother was Mary Deliah Greenwood; wife was Sarah Baughan Hodges; informant signed Mrs. Alfred Hodges of Dunnsville, Virginia. Cause of death was carcinoma of left lung with metastases to liver, two months. Attended from 11 March to 11 April. Buried on 13 April 1960 at Rappahannock Cemetery, Dunnsville, Virginia. [Commonwealth of Virginia, Certificate of Death 11373.]
Birth5 Apr 1913, Essex County, Virginia
Death22 Mar 2001
BurialRappahannock Christian Church Cemetery, Dunnsville, Essex County, Virginia