NameLucy Belle Mundie 
Birth2 Aug 1869, Essex County, Virginia
Death29 Aug 1917, Essex County, Virginia
On 29 August 1917, Lucy Belle Beazley died in Central District, Essex County, Virginia. She was female; white; married; born 2 August 1869; age 48 years, 0 months, 28[?] days; occupation home maker; born in Essex County; father Leonard Mundie, who was born in Essex County; mother Lucy A. Powers, who was born in Essex County; informant L. H. Beazley of Dunbrook, Virginia; attended from Jan[?] 1916 to Aug 1917; cause of death organic heart disease. Buried 29 August 1917 at Hurman [sic] Church, Howertons, Virginia. [Commonwealth of Virginia, Certificate of Death 19596.]
Birth1 Apr 1862, Essex County, Virginia
Death16 Apr 1918, Essex County, Virginia
Marriage1 Feb 1899, Essex County, Virginia