NameEliza Throckmorton Cauthorn 
Eliza T. Cauthorn was mentioned in the 25 January 1813 will of her father, Edmund Cauthorn, proved 21 March 1825. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 132.]
Eliza T Dillard was mentioned in the 15 March 1836 will of her mother, Martha T Cauthorn, proved 19 June 1837. “I devise to my beloved children Eliza T Dillard James W Matilda T. & Ro: S Cauthorn all the property which I now possess or may hereafter possess to be equally distributed among them — I deem it prudent however herein to state as my deceased husband during his life time bequeath to my daughter E T Dillard a negro Girl Nelly as part of her share of the personal estate under his will which Girl now has several children of the title to whom there may by possibility hereafter arise some difficulty that in case the sd E T Dillard shall contend for any increase of sd Girl Nelly previous to the execution of this my will she shall thereby forgeit all claim under the same & the whole of my property of whatever consisting shall be equally divided among my other children already mentioned to the entire exclusion of my daughter E T Dillard. Be it known too as I am informed that there is somehow perhaps in the possession of the representative of W Dillard a bond of my deceased husband to sd Dillard to between one & two hundred dollars that if at any time, the estate of my sd husband be made liable for sd bond then the children of the sd Dillard who have long been with me shall be liable to my estate for bond otherwise they shall not be required to pay bond”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 121.]
Marriageabt 19 Sep 1814, Essex County, Virginia