NameEwen Clements 
Deathabt 1831
In an undated petition, orators and oratrices Elizabeth Foster, Ewen Clements and Sally his wife, Mary Purkins an infant under 21 only child of Gabriel Purkins deceased by Thomas Pilcher her next friend, Henry and Sally Perkins infants and only children of George Perkins by Winter Bray, Thomas Perkins, Carter Perkins, Harry Perkins, Jesse Perkins, James Perkins and William Perkins complained that William Perkins died in 1815 intestate. Your orators and oratrices are his children and grandchildren. That Elizabeth Foster, Ewen Clements and Sally his wife, Mary Perkins, Thomas Perkins, Carter Perkins, Harry Perkins, Jesse Perkins, James Perkins and William Perkins are each entitled to 1/10th share. [Essex County, Virginia, Loose Paper, Box Chancery item 37-G-39.]
Essex County Viz
We John Daingerfield Austin Brockenbrough & Benjamin Blake three of the Justices of the peace for the County aforesaid having upon due examination before us had of Ewen Clements of this County been of opinion that he was a person of unsound mind & that it was expedient he should be removed to the public hospital for the maintenance & cure of persons of unsound mind in the City of Williamsburg & having accordingly directed him to be so removed by our order bearing date the 17th day of Feby. last past. We do therefore hereby certify the same to the Court of this County together with the annexed certificate of the Estate of the said Ewen Clements which is all that has yet come to our knowledge. Given under our hands
Jno Daingerfield
Austin Brockenbrough
Benjamin Blake
Certificate of the estate of Ewen Clements
Three hundred acres of Land
Twelve negroes consisting of six Men Three women & Three Children
Stock consisting of 2 Mules & 2 Horses Black Cattle hogs & Sheep
Furniture House hold and kitchen
One thousand dollars supposed in money & bonds
The above we the undersigned Justices of the peace sitting upon the case of Ewen Clements is as correct a Schedule of his property as we can now ascertain. Given under our hands & seals this 17th February 1819.
Jno. Daingerfield
Austin Brockenbrough
Benjamin Blake
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 27–28.]
On 18 July 1831, William Fisher and Josiah W. Fisher were bound in the penalty of $6,000 for William Fisher’s administration of the estate of Ewen Clements, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 310.]
Marriageabt 18 Feb 1805, Essex County, Virginia