NameJohn Mercer 
Deathabt May 1832
The will of John Mercer of the County of Essex was undated. My right and title in the dower land on which my mother resides in the County of Middlesex to be sold. Right and title in the Schooner Willantina to be sold. Balance of estate I lend to my wife Nancy Mercer as long as she remains my widow, and after to be equally divided among my surviving children namely Siszoria Margaret Ann Virginia James and Isaac J Mercer. My watch to Isaac J Mercer and money from land and schooner. Wife Nancy Mercer to be executrix with William Eubank Jr executor. Signed John Mercer. Witnesses: Tho Evans, Mary E Shelton, Henry Johnson. Proved 21 May 1832. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 450.]
On 21 May 1832, William Eubank and Larkin Hundley were bound in the penalty of $600 for William Eubank’s executorship of the estate of John Mercer, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, page 451.]
The estate of John Mercer, deceased, in account with William Eubank, executor, from 1832 to 1833 was ordered recorded on 19 January 1835. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 310–311.]