NameArchibald Ritchie 
Deathabt 1834
The Last Will and Testament of Archibald Ritchie of the County of Essex made this twenty second day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three directs as follows — 1st. It is my Will and desire that all my just debts and none but my just debts be paid — 2ndly I lend to my beloved wife Martha H Ritchie (during her widowhood) all my lands which I purchased (and yet retain) of John H Upshaw, of Winter Bray and Hunley Moody of Sally Moody and Arthur Upshaw — my slaves following to wit; Cook Mary and her son John Daniel and his son John, Davy, young Charles, Coleman, Rose and her children Patrick and Juliet and her future increase and old Frank, together with my Carriage and horses all my household and kitchen furniture of every description; all my stocks of horses sheep hogs and Cattle of every description, in fact embracing every thing on the plantation as it now stands — but should my aforesaid beloved wife Martha H — so far forget that respect which is due to her own age and my memory and the interest of our children as to marry again, then and in that event it is my Will and desire that my Executors hereinafter named immediately dispossess her of all the lands, slaves, household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools and utensils, stocks of all kinds and description carriage and horses and every thing embraced on the plantation as it now stands as enumerated and loaned to her during her widowhood by the first part of this clause of this Will — 3dly I lend to my son in law Jones C Clopton during the life or windwood of my beloved wife my slaves Maria, Delila and her children James and Jane and her future increase — 4thly On the death or marriage of my beloved wife Martha H I hereby direct my Executors hereinafter named to divide the property heretofore loaned to my wife during her life or widowhood and to my son in law Jones C Clopton during the life or widowhood of my beloved wife Martha H. into two equal parts — one of which equal part I give to my daughter Janet R Rouzee and her heirs forever; the other equal part I give to my daughter Mary Juliet Clopton and her heirs forever — 5thly I give to my brother Thomas Ritchie the Honorary Sword presented to me by the State of Virginia, on account of the Gallant conduct of our lamented brother Captain John Ritchie — 6th and lastly — I do hereby appoint my two friends & sons in law Richard Rowzee and Jones C Clopton to be executors of this my last Will and Testament — Signed and Sealed by me in this twenty second day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three —
Archibald Ritchie
On 17 March 1834, presented in court; William A Wright and George Wright say they were well acquainted with the handwriting of Archibald Ritchie. On 21 April 1834, a certificate granted Jones C Clopton and Richard Rowzee in order to their obtaining probate.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 245–246.]
On 21 April 1834, Jones C Clopton, Richard Rowzee, John Rowzee and William Oliver were bound in the penalty of $10,000 for Jones C Clopton’s and Richard Rowzee’s execution of the will of Archibald Ritchie. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 250.]
In 1834 (no date recorded), an inventory of the estate of Archibald Ritchie was made by Richd Motley, Edward Wright, and Edmund F Noel, and was ordered recorded on 19 September 1836. Includes Negroes Mary, John, Daniel, John, Davy, Young Charles, Coleman, Rose, Patrick, Juliet, Jane, Maria (Old), Delila, James, Jane, and Mary. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 64–65.]
On 10 October 1834, sales of the estate of Archibald Ritchie, deceased, were made by Richard Rowzee, executor. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 65.]
The estate of Archibald Ritchie in account with Richard Rowzee and Jones C Clopton, executors, from 1834 to 1835 was ordered recorded on 17 October 1836. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 68–69.]