NameRobert Lawson Dunn 
Deathabt Feb 1809
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Robert Lawson Dunn was mentioned in the 17 February 1803 will of his father, Dickerson Dunn, presented in court on 20 February 1804. “Item the land I purchased of my Brother Anthony Dunn I wish to be equally divided between my son Robert Lawson Dunn and my son Lunsford Dunn, the said Robert Lawson Dunn part to be taken of the end of the said tract of land in the fork between the dragon swamp and the Cobben Branch) Item my son Lunsford Dunn the other part lying between the lands I gave to my son Jackson Dunn & my son Robert Lawson Dunn) the above lands to be possessed by my three sons after the death or marage of my loveing Wife Elizabeth Dunn & not before also on the following conditions) To Wit that they pay to and receive of each other so much money as will make their lots of land Equal, and also pay unto my two Daughters Dolly Dunn and my Daughter Mary Dunn Ten pounds each as to make the amount received by the two fifteen pounds each it is also my will and desire that if either of my sons dies without heir that their Land shall be divided between the surviving Sons, it is also my desire that if either of my sons should wish to make any improvement on their respective lots of land before they are possest of them such improvements shall not be considered in the valuation)…” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 268–269.]
On 20 February 1809, Dura Dobbins and Gabriel Gordon were bound in the penalty of $200 for Dura Dobbins’s administration of the goods, chattels and credits of Robert L. Dunn, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, page 113–114.]
On 19 June 1809, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Robbert L Dunn, made by William Goode, Abraham Williamson, and Robert Gordon, was returned to court and ordered recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, page 128.]
The estate of Robert L. Dunn, deceased, in account with Dura Dobbins, deceased, administrator from 1809 to 1819 was settled on 12 March 1819 by Jno. Trible, Vincent Ramsey, and Abraham Williamson. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 49–50.]
In 1836 or 1837, oratrix Dorothy Dunn, widow of Tolla Dunn, deceased, complained that her father, the late Dickerson Dunn, died some time in the year of [blank], testate. The he devised the whole of his estate to his wife Elizabeth Dunn during her life, and that the said widow has long since been dead. After her death, the testator stated land was to go to Jackson Dunn, and directed that the land purchased of his brother Anthony Dunn should be equally divided between his other two sons, Robert Lawson Dunn and Lunsford Dunn, with certain sums to be paid to your said oratrix and Mary Dunn his daughters. About 24 years ago, Robert Lawson died intestate leaving an infant daughter Delila, who was shortly after carried out of this Commonwealth by her mother and step father, and has been absent, and that the said Lunsford Dunn died about the same time, also intestate, leaving no children. That Jackson died a few years since, leaving a widow Happy Dunn, and the following children to wit, Ophelia the wife of Pittman Mitchell, Julia the wife of John Clarke, Elizabeth the wife of Joseph Durham, Edmonia the wife of William Webb, Washington W. Eleanor and Susan, the three last infants under 21, all of whom are still alive. That the said Mary Dunn, a daughter of Dickerson Dunn, intermarried with a certain Jesse Griggs, both of whom are dead, leaving three children vz. Lucy, who intermarried with Gregory Davis, and has since died leaving two infant children Mary and Dicy, and Eliza Griggs and Thomas Griggs who are also infants. For division of the land. [Essex County, Virginia, Chancery Cause, Dolly Dunn v George W. Dunn et al, 1837-005, Box 39.]