NameJohn Cloudas 
The will of John Cloudas was dated 13 September 1786. Wife Letis Cloudas. To son John Cloudas land and plantation whereon I now live. The remainder of the estate to be equally divided between John Cloudas, Absolam Cloudas, William Cloudas, Elizabeth Cloudas, Rachel Cloudas, and Nancy Cloudas. Wife and son John to be executors. Signed John Cloudas. Witnesses: John Owen, John McKan, Mary Daniel. Proved 20 June 1791. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, pages 244–245.]
On 8 July 1814, the slaves belonging to the estate of John Cloudas were divided by Frs. Smith, Henry Street, and John Saddler into six equal portions between Absalom Cloudas, Joseph Janey as administrator of Samuel Montague, Paul Micou sheriff of Essex County and committee of the estate of John Cloudas deceased, John Cloudas in right of himself and his wife, William Taff in right of himself and his wife, and Absalom Cloudas as executor of William Cloudas. This report was made up under and Interlocutory Decree of the chancery court “wherein Joseph Janey admor &c. of Samuel Montague and Paul Micou Sheriff of Essex County into whose hands the estate of John Cloudas deceased unadministered by Samuel Montague deceased who was admor &c. of the said John Cloudas decd. has been committed by an order of the court and William Taff and Rachel his wife and John Cloudas and Elizabeth his wife are plaintiffs and Absalom Cloudas in his own right and as exor &c. of William Cloudas decd and as exor of Lettice Cloudas decd is defendant’. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 427–429.]
The estate of John Cloudas, deceased, in account with Geo. Wright deputy for Paul Micou late Shff Essex and Comittee of said Estate for 1819 was settled on 20 September 1819 by Benjamin Blake, Robt. Weir, and Laurence Muse. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 66.]