NameBenjamin Williams 
Birthabt 1807, Virginia
On 11 June 1834, Catharine Conoly, Archibald Conoly, Silas Conoly, William Sullivan, Riley Gouldman, and Benjamin Williams were bound to each other in the penalty of $3,000. “The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas Larkin Conoly late of Essex County the husband of the above named Catharine Conoly and the father of Archibald Silas Matilda who intermarried with the above named Wm Sullivan, Elizabeth who intermarried with the above named Riley Gouldman & Mary who intermarried with the above named Benjamin Williams, died about the 1st day of February 1821. leaving the aforenamed children in a state of infancy and helplessness as well as two small negro children one a boy named Daniel and the other a girl named Eliza of the ages of five & two years with his estate embarrassed with debt, And whereas the said Catharine Conoly administered on the estate of her said husband and with the scanty means left by him together with what she has been able to make by industry and economy has freed the said estate from debt raised her children to manhood as well as the negro children — And whereas in consequence of an understanding between the said Catharine Conoly and her children Archibald, Silas, Matilda, Elizabeth & Mary that she the said Catharine Conoly was to be permitted to remain in the undisturbed possession of all the property which the said Larkin Conoly died seized and possessed of during her natural life for an in consideration of her having paid off the debts of said estate and raised the children both white and coloured free of charge she has settled no account of her administration but has kept the property together in the way it was left her — Now if the aforementioned Catharine Conoly shall not perfer any charges against the estate of the said Larkin Conoly for raising the children aforesaid White and Coloured and paying off the debts of the said estate and if the aforenamed Archibald Conoly, Silas Conoly, William Sullivan who intermarried with Matilda Conoly, Riley Gouldman who intermarried with Elizabeth Conoly and Benjamin Williams who intermarried with Mary Conoly shall permit the said Catharine Conoly to remain in quiet and peaceable possession of all the property left by her husband Larkin Conoly for and during her natural life then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force and Virtue against any who may fail to comply with the foregoing Condition”. Signed Catorine Conoley, Silas Conoley, William his x mark Sullivan, Riley Gouldman, Benjamin Williams. Ordered recorded on 18 May 1835. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 367–368.]
1850 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia
Page 84B, Dwelling 319, Family 319
Williams, Benjamin, 43, male, farmer, $2,000 real estate, born in Virginia
Williams, Mary, 30, female, born in Virginia
Williams, William, 11, male, born in Virginia
Williams, Matilda, 8, female, born in Virginia, attended school
Weaver, Mary, 50, female, born in Virginia
1860 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia
Lloyds Post Office, Page 6
Dwelling 54, Family 52
Williams, Benj., 53, male, born in Virginia
Williams, Mary, 44, female, born in Virginia
Williams W. A., 21, male, teacher, born in Virginia
Williams, M. C., female, born in Virginia