NameJohn H. Riley 
Birthabt 1861, Maryland
Death30 Aug 1924, Baltimore, Maryland
1920 U.S. Census, Baltimore City, Maryland
Ward 25, Enumeration District 416
Enumerated 28 February 1920
Sexton Street
Dwelling 373, Visited 385
Riley, John H., head, owns, free of mortgage, male, white, 59, married, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, flange turner for railroad shops, wage worker
Riley, Katy, female, white, 55, married can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Germany and spoke German, speaks English, no occupation
Riley, Bertha, daughter, female, white, 21, divorced, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, no occupation
Riley, Louis, son, male, white, 20, single, not in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, boiler maker for boiler works, wage worker
Riley, Helen, daugher, female, white, 18, single, not in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, packer for tobacco factory, wage worker
Riley, John H., son, male, white, 17, single, not in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, acetyline [illegible] for shipyard, wage worker
Riley, Mabel, daughter, female, white, 16, single, not in school, can read and write, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, speaks English, no occupation
Kopp, Catherine, granddaughter, female, white, 4-3/12, single, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, no occupation
Kopp, Robert, grandson, male, white, 2-9/12, single, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, no occupation
Kopp, George, grandson, male, white, 1-11/12, single, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, no occupation
Kopp, Dorothy, granddaughter, female, white, 1, single, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, no occupation
Kopp, Charlotte, granddaughter, female, white, 1/12, single, born in Maryland, both parents born in Maryland, no occupation
John H. Riley, 64 Years Old, Had Worried Over Health.
Arose And Killed Himself Despite Mate’s Effort To Stop Him.
John H. Riley, 64 years old, today, according to Mrs. Catherine Riley, his wife, held her at bay with his left arm while with the other arm he fired a shot into his temple that caused his death.
Riley, who lives in the 110 block Sexton street, Morrell Park, has been in poor health for four months, his wife said.
Coroner Investigating.
Dr. R. V. Glann, Lakewood, who was summoned, pronounced Riley dead. Dr. Thomas B. Horton, coroner of the Southwestern district, is investigating.
Mrs. Riley said that her husband, who is a boilermaker, woke up at 5 o’clock this morning when an alarm clock by the bed rang. The man started to dress, Mrs. Riley said she attempted to go back to sleeep, but her husband insisted that she get up and get his breakfast.
Saw Flash Of Metal.
Mrs. Riley went to the kitchen. When she returned to the bedroom, she asserted, her husband was standing before a cupboard. His right arm was at his side.
Mrs. Riley said she saw the flash of metal in her husband’s right hand and ran toward him. When she reached Riley’s side, she said, he held her aside with his left arm and raised the revolver to his head.
Mrs. Riley said she believed it was at least 20-minutes before she was able to summon assistance.
[The Evening Sun (Baltimore), 30 August 1924, page 20.]
Husband Kills Self In Presence Of Wife
Ill Health Blamed For Act Of John H. Riley
John H. Riley, 64 years old, shot and killed himself yesterday at his home, 1116 Sexton street, according to police.
When his wife, Mrs. Catherine Riley, went upstairs to call him to breakfast she saw him standing in his bedroom with a pistol leveled at his head, she said. She screamed and at the same moment Riley pulled the trigger.
Members of his family say that Riley had been despondent for several months over ill health. He is survived by his widow and three children.
[The Baltimore Sun, 31 August 1924, page 3.]