NameMary Tyler 
Birth19 Oct 1846, Richmond County, Virginia
Death19 Feb 1926, Westmoreland County, Virginia
On 19 February 1926, Mary A. Mayo died in Cople District, Westmoreland County, Virginia. She was a resident of Hague, Virginia; female; white; widowed; married to Jos. Mayo Jr., deceased; date of birth 19 October 1846; age 79 years, 4 months; occupation housewife; born in Warsaw, Richmond County, Virginia; father Wat H. Tyler, who was born in Charles City County, Virginia; mother Jane Blake, born in Tappahannock, Virginia; informant W. T. Mayo of Hague, Virginia; cause of death diabetic coma; buried at Yeocomico Church on 21 February 1926. [Commonweath of Virginia, Certificate of Death 25298.]