NameJoseph Rudolph Reed

Birth26 Jan 1933, Westmoreland County, Virginia
Death1 Aug 1993
BurialSiloam Baptist Church Cemetery, Westmoreland County, Virginia
On 12 September 1959 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, Joseph Rudolph Reed was married to Luvenia Virginia Jones. He was 26; colored; single; occupation Labatory [sic]; born in Westmoreland County, Virginia; father George J. Reed; mother Frances Henson; resident of 820 Randolph Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.. She was 21; colored; single; no occupation; born in Westmoreland County, Virginia; father Kenneth S. Jones; mother Janie Ann Tate; resident of R. 2, Box 117, Montross, Westmorelan dCounty, Virginia. [Commonwealth of Virginia, Certificate of Marriage 29121.]
FatherKenneth S. Jones
MotherJanie Ann Tate