NameFrances Cauthorn 
In 1832, orators and oratrix William Oliver and Nancy his wife, and Allen, Carter, and Ross A. Cauthorn complained to the chancery court. That James Cauthorn, the father of your oratrix Nancy Oliver and of orators Allen, Carter, and Ross A. Cauthorn, died sometime about the [blank] day of [blank] in the year [blank] intestate leaving your oratrix and orators above named and James, Alfred and Frances Cauthorn, and leaving three small tracts of land lying separate and detached from each other, the first about 200 acres, the second about 10 acres, and the third about 100 acres, and also a moiety in a water grist mill, which although in good repair at the time of his death is now some what out of order and if not reparied in some short time will be entirely valueless unless rebuilt. For division of the estate. James, Alfred, and Frances Cauthorn are infants under 21. [Essex County, Virginia, Chancery Cause, William Oliver et ex et als v James Cauthorn et als, 1833:030.]