NameBetsey Jameson 
Deathabt Aug 1839
The will of Betsey Jameson was dated 1 September 1837. To my sister Mary Garnett the three negroes Archie Charlotte & Phillis as before given me the 29th July 1835 as her property from that time and all my furniture & wearing aparal. The four hundred dollars I gave to my neice Dolly G Ayres of Kentucky has been paid to her already. I give one thousand dollars to my brother David’s five Children Apphia, Mildred, Peggy, Thomas & John David. To nephew James J Garnett Dolly & child & at my death I give him Daniel & half of the value of Titus. To Muscoe G Wood the 200 dollars furnished him some years ago & the hires of my negroes that he had in 1834 & 1835 provided that he assists in the purchase of a girl for his daughter Elizabeth Jameson if the two hundred dollars which I hereby give to him & direct my Executor to pay for the purpose should be insufficient to procure a suitable one, which I give to her and her heirs forever. To neice Susan Jones little Jane and her future increase and afterwards to her three Children by Capt. Wood. I had by a former will given Kitty Micou $100 but as I have consented for my agent to advance that sum to her to pay for land which is already done, I now give to her fifty dollars. To Maria G Frank one hundred dollars to her & the children she may leave if dead, to her or them & their heirs forever. To the four Children of my nephew John J Garnett, Two hundred dollars. I have given to my nephew Reuben M Garnett in July 1835 Jinny & her two Children Billy & Nathan & her after increase from that time, since which she has had two Children. I wish her boy Dick to go to him, which will be all her Children, unless their should not be estate enough to pay the debts & legacys, but in that case he must be sold, or if it will not take the whole of his value, my nephew may pay what may be wanting & retain Dick as his property or if he is sold him or his heirs to leave the surplus and I also give him one half of the value of Titus, the other half being given to his Brother. I direct my Executor to sell Lee & old Solomon & Sally & to provide for either that may become chargeable & he may sell before my death & put the money at interest if he thinks best. If there should be any deficiency in raising and paying the foregoing legacys and expences of administration my Executor is to make it up by selling Dick aforesaid and should there be enough & a surplus without such sale then in that case I give 51 dollars or such surplus if under fifty dollars to the Baptist Education Society near Richmond for the use of the seminary and the balance of my estate if any surplus over the fifty dollars to be equally divided between Nancy Sutton or her Children if she should be dead, Mary Susan Garnett and her heirs and Apphia G Gatewood if living at the time of my death, if not to the other two and their heirs as first named. My friend Reuben M Garnett to be executor. Signed Betsey Jameson. Witnesses: Jno. D Hutchason, Courtney Southall. On 16 September 1839, proved by both witnesses. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 409–410.]
On 16 September 1839, Reuben M Garnett was bound in the penalty of $8,000 for his execution on the estate of Betsey Jameson, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 410.]