NameSarah “Sally” 
Birthbef 1765
Deathabt Dec 1824
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 21 January 1793, John Boughan and Sarah his wife of the County of Essex and parish of Southfarnham sold to Thomas Crow of the same. For £59.4 current money of Virginia, 59-1/5 acres, more or less, in the county and parish aforesaid, bordering lands of Thomas Wood, James Banks and Major Boughan. Signed John Boughan, Sarah her + mark Boughan. Witnesses: William Jones, John Crow, Moses Crow. Ordered recorded 21 January 1793. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 33, page 436.]
On 17 April 1798 John Boughan and Sally his wife, and Major Boughan and Caty his wife, sell 106-1/2 acres to Charles Bray. This is part of a tract that had been purchased by John and Major Boughan from Thomas and William Burke, called Kerchevals. Neither Sally nor Caty could write. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed book 35, page 6.]
On 14 June 1798, “The Commonwealth of Virginia To H. B. Brooke & John Evans Gentlemen Greetings Whereas John Boughan & Sally his Wife & Major Boughan & Caty his Wife by their certain indenture of bargain & Sale, bearing date the 17th day of April 1798 have sold & conveyed unto Charles Bray, one tenement tract or parcel of land situate in the parish of South farnham and County of Essex containing by survey made by William Jones on the 16th day of May 1796 and on the 19th of December 1797 the quantity of one hundred and six and a half acres or or less &c and where as the said Sally and Caty cannot conveniently travel to our County Court of Essex to make acknowledgement of the said conveyance, Therefore…” Brooke and Evans are to privately examine Sally and Caty to verify their voluntary conveyance of the tract. On 14 June, H. B. Brooke and John Evans confirmed that they visited both women, who affirmed their consent. Ordered recorded 18 June 1798. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 35, pages 6–7.]
On 22 July 1802 John Boughan and Sally his wife sold to Major Boughan (all of South Farnham Parish) their rights to the water grist mill for £150, the mill being known as Boughan’s mill. Major and John are brothers; they received this property according to the will of their father. Caston Boughan’s signature is in the margin of the deed book. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 36, page 319.]
On 14 October 1806, Salley Boughan made purchases in the estate sale of her husband John Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 274–275.]
Her husband John’s estate was divided on 29 October 1806. Parcels went to Hundley Moody and his wife Catharine (44 acres), widow’s dower (90 acres), Thos. Crow and Sarah his wife (50 acres), Jesse Boughan (61 acres), and James Boughan (61 acres). [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, page 87]
1810 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia:
Boughan, Sarah
1 male 26-45
1 female over 45 [this would be Sarah]
On 20 January 1816, a Sarah Boughan witnessed the will of Major John Boughan Turner and signed with an x. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 312.]
In 1820, Sally Boughan was taxed for 2 blacks above the age of 16, and one horse, mare, colt or mule. [Essex County, Virginia, 1820 Personal Property Tax Book.]
1820 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia:
Boughan, Sarah
1 male 26-45
1 female 10-16
1 female 26-45
On 20 December 1824, John Games and George Wright were bound in the penalty of $200 for John Games’s administration of the goods, chattels and credits of Sarah Boughan, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, page 96.]
In about 1825, orators and oratrices John, James Catharine, and Prisilla Games and Thomas Crow and Sally his wife who was Sally Boughan petitioned the Chancery Court. That John Boughan who was the father of your oratrix Sally Crow died in ____ intestate leaving the following children: your oratrix Sally Crow, Caty Moody wife of Hundley Moody who has died intestate without heir, Jesse Boughan and James Boughan who has also died leaving James, Polly, Benjamin and Austin the last two named infants. Jesse has died leaving a last will and testament. John Boughan died soon after Jesse. Jesse’s wife died intestate without issue leaving your orators and oratrices John, James, Catharine and Priscilla Games brothers and sisters of the whole blood her heirs. The said John Boughan left a widow Sally who died in 1824. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 42, item 42-M-21.]
The estate of Mrs. Sarah Boughan in account with James Games, administrator, from 1826 to 1827 was settled on 16 September 1827 by Winter Bray, Alexr. P. Muse and Edmund F. Noel. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 21, page 204.]
Birthabt 1743
Deathabt Sep 1806