NameJohn Boughan 
Birthabt 1706
DeathMay 1776
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
John Boughan was mentioned in the 14 January 1711 will of his grandfather James Boughan: “Seventhly I give & bequeath unto my beloved Grandson James Boughan the Son of my Son James Boughan all my Land & Plantation whereon I now live together with my Water Mill And all that Tract of Land that I bought of ye Holts together with my old Plantations wth ye Ippurtences thereunto belonging I give & bequeath unto my sd loving Grandson and the issue of his Body lawfully begotten and for want of such Issue to my Grandson John Boughan the Son of my Son James Boughan & to the issue of his body lawfully begotten” [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 76–77.]
John Boughan is mentioned in the will of his father James Boughan as James’s eldest son. The will is dated 21 November 1721 and was probated 19 June 1722. He received the plantation on which his father was living. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 305–306.]
On 26 January 1729, John Boughan of the parish of Southfarnham and County of Essex sold to Joseph Man of the same. Lease. For 100 pounds of tobacco, 100 acres bordering Capt Rubin Wellch, where the said Boughan now lives. Signed John his x mark Boughan. Witnesses: Thos Barker, Ambe Jones, Francis Jones. Ordered recorded 21 July 1730. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 19, pages 125–127.]
On 17 May 1731, John Boughan witnessed a deed from Francis Brown of the parish of Southfarnham and County of Essex to Henry Boughan junior of the same. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 19, pages 200–201.]
In 1732, John Boughan filed a lawsuit against his cousin Augustine Boughan over property that had been sold by John’s father James Boughan. According to the 1711 will of Major James Boughan, John was to have received about 800 acres acres of land with a water grist mill, but in 1712 John’s father James Boughan, acting as the heir of Major James Boughan, sold the property to his brother John Boughan. After John’s death the property descended to his son Augustine. John’s action against Augustine in 1732 was successful, but in 1747 Augustine was able to again possess the property in a new suit. The trail contains a note transcribed from the Parish Register stating that Augustine Boughan, son of John and Susanna Boughan, was born 8 October 1716. [Essex County, Virginia, Land Trials 1741–1760, pages 114–125.] John Boughan eventually recovered the property.
On 18 March 1734 John Boughan sold for £20 land on Piscataway Creek to Henry Purkins, “beginning by the South side of the sd. John Boughans Mill pond at the mouth of a Small branch of Sarah Boughan thence down the sd. branch to the mouth, thence down the great branch to the main Swamp the sd. branch dividing this land from the land of Colo. John Robinson Esqr. Thence up the sd. main Swamp to the beginning branch containing by Estimation seventy acres…” [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 20, pages 252–253.]
On 6 October 1745, a John Griggs of the County of King and Queen and Parish of St Stephen leased to John Boughan of the County of Essex and Parish of Southfarnham. For 5 shillings, 200 acres in Southfarnham parish bordering the lands of Thomas Burk, Ben Johnson, and John Burnett. Released on 7 October 1745 for £90. Signed John Griggs. Witnesses: Edward Spence, Jno Wright, Edward Trrile [Trible?]. Ordered recorded 21 January 1745. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 19, pages 5–8.]
In 1746 John Boughan leased Boughan’s Mill for 21 years to Ben Johnson and his heirs.
On 21 March 1749, John Boughan served on a jury in a land trail case between Thomas Dix and James and Ann Campbell. [Essex County, Virginia, Land Trails 1741–1760, pages 111–113.]
On 19 February 1750, John Boughan of Essex County, planter, mortgaged to John Robinson of King and Queen County, esquire. John Boughan and Cary his wife had sold 23 acres to John Robinson, deceased, of Essex on 16 August 1749. The land has been inherited by his eldest son John Robinson of King and Queen who is “apprehensive” that John Boughan did not have legal title to the land. John Boughan conveys in mortgage 100 acres as collateral security land on which John Boughan’s father James formerly lived. John may continue to use the land. Signed John Boughan. Witnesses: James Gray, H Young, Edmd Pendleton. Recorded 19 February 1750. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 25, pages 121–125.]
The following information here and below on the suit is from notes by Agnes Andrews, from Land Trials, 1741-1760, p. 115: 15 March 1747, jury trial. Certain depositions had been taken of Robert Coleman, John Chamberlayne and Anne Atkins on (?) Aug. Court 1712. Robert Coleman deposed that on Jan 14, 1771 — Maj. James Baughan (late dec’d) had sent for him (the deponant) and said he wanted to destroy a will he had already made an make another saying [and here followed the will of James Boughan (RIN 645)…Maj. James Boughan asked his witnesses to take notice that he was not mad nor drunck but in his right senses. Then they burnt the old will. Jury returned the verdict “We find that Major James Baughan Late of this county dec’d was seized of 620 acres of land which is now in dispute & departed this life so thereof seize we find that the sd James Boughan made his Last Will & Testament in writing some time before his death which after his death was found in his house but the purport of the said Will we know not — We find that James Boughan eldest son & heir of the sd James Boughan dec’d entered into & possessed himself with the said land after his father’s death & being so seized made sale of the same for a valuable consideration to his Brother John Boughan [of St. Anne’s?] father of the now plaintiff [Augustine] by deed bearing date the 12th day of Feby 1712 hereto annexed which deed is in these words — James Boughan sen[ior] of South Farnham — son of James to John Boughan of St. Ann’s for 50 lbs sterling toward payment of debts of James Boughan dec’d. Granted to John Boughan 620A. which was granted to Richard Holt by patent dated Nov. 4, 1695 & which Rich & Wm Holt sold to James Boughan by deed Feb. 2, 1705 — parcel lying beginning at King’s Swamp below Piscataway Mill adj Oliver Segar” etc. Final verdict said that John was guilty of tresspass and was ejected, with one shilling sterling and costs penalty.
On 2 April 1751, John Boughan began a suit in Williamsburg, claiming that one James Boughan late of Essex (the grandfather of the complainant John Boughan) died seized and possessed of a considerable estate real and personal and your orator (the complainant) belives and hopes to prove intending to settle and dispose of the land that he (James) did on Jany 14, 1711, make his last will and testament saying... See below for the contents of the will. The complainant John Boughan goes on to say that his grandfather James Boughan soon after departed life without altering this will and that his heir at law James Boughan (John’s brother) died without issue and so the complainant by terms of will feels himself next in line to receive the plantation and mills. The complainant belives his father James kept away or destroyed the will so he could keep the plantation and mills himself, the complainant having been at that time an “infant of very tender years.” Complainant was later informed that the sd James Boughan his father pretended the lands descended to him and pretended that his father James hand’t made a will at all. Having “entered into the said lands” he James the son of James conveyed part, about 400-500 acres to John Boughan of St. Anne’s [?] although the sd James and John the sons well knew that such will as was just recited was made by the sd James Boughan the grandfather and had been seen by sev. persons and had been proved in the Court. The suit is against Augustine Boughan, only son and heir of John Boughan to recover the portion of lands before mentioned to be sold by his father James Boughan. John had regained possession of his rightful lands in 1733, but now Augustine was trying to regain them. Now Griffing Boughan, Augustine’s son and Augustine’s widow pretend they are directed by his will to sell the land in question and are threatening to turn the complainant out of possession. Agnes’s notes say to see 8-F-12 and 8-F-41 “which were together but fell apart with age.”
On 26 May 1752, a warrant was issued for John Burnett, John Boughan and Waters Dunn. [Essex County, Virginia, Box No. 201, Folder A, loose paper.]
On 6 February 1753, John Boughan witnessed a deed of trust between Thomas St. John, James McCall and Henry Purkins. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 26, pages 315–318.]
On 13 December 1753, John Boughan witnessed a deed from John Evitt and Elizabeth his wife to Henry Purkins. Another witness was Mayvan Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 22–24.]
On 4 December 1755, John Boughan cast votes for Colonel William Daingerfield and Colonel Francis Smith for burgesses of Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 248–252.]
[to continue] 8-F-37, 20 October 1759, John Boughan vs. Griffith Boughan, son of Augustin. It is decreed and ordered that the will of James Boughan the parties’ grandfather as the same is set forth in the bill (of complaint) be established as and for the last Will and Testament. Parties [?] bear own costs. [Agnes’s notes state that John won the case.]
On 25 March 1761, John Boughan and Cary his wife of the County of Essex and Parrish of South Farnham leased a mill to James Edmondson of the same. Whereas the said John Boughan had leased on 5 January 1746 to Ben Johnson for 21 years a water grist mill known as Boughans Mill, and by Ben Johnson conveyed to Philip Edward Jones and by Philip Edward Jones to Thomas Edmondson, Gent., lately deceased and father to the said James Edmondson and whereas Thomas had conveyed his interest to James, now this indenture in which John Boughan and Cary his wife, for £40 current money due on 1 January 1763 and also an annual payment of 20 barrels of Indian Corn, do lease the mill unto James Edmondson for the term of another 25 years. Signed John Boughan, Cary her w mark Boughan. Witnesses: Thomas Barker, Hugh Wilson, Josiah Minter, John Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 29, pages 43–45.]
On 3 May 1762, John Clements Gent sold to John Boughan. For £100 current money of Virginia, 100 acres, more or less, in the County of Essex and parish of Southfarnham that belonged to Joseph Man, purchased of the aforesaid John Boughan. Signed Jno Clements. Witnesses: J. Edmondson, Thos Pamplin, L. Covington. Ordered recorded 17 August 1762. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 29, pages 119–120.]
On 15 June 1764 John Boughan gave a deposition: “John Boughan aged Fifty Eight years or thereabouts deposeth & saith that Caleb Hines purchase’d a Tract of Land of Henry Purkins where the sd Purkins’s Mother lived for which he was to give One hundred Pounds reserving his Mothers Life in the sd Land & which the Sd Hines was in possession off & worked it about two years & he this deponent saith that the said Hines Several times ask’d & desired him to talk to Mr Purkins & get him to recant the Bargain of the Land for sd he if he holds me to it, It might be my Ruine & force me to Sell my Negro Wench, upon which after going up to Albemarle & Seeing the Sd Purkins’s Land there; agreed to buy Four hundred Acres of that Tract & meant the Bargain of the which I understood was there agreement & Deeds were Executed agreeable thereto & further he often heard Hines Say he was well Satisfy’d with his Bargain of the back Land & would not recant that Bargain upon any Consideration; & Purkins’s motive as he believes in recanting the first bargain was the ill usage his Mother reced from Hines & the dissatisfaction it gave her; & further this deponent saith he heard old Mrs Purkins say that she had Lent Caleb Hines one Side Saddle worth Six or Seven Pounds, One Pr of Blankets, a pr of Sheets, One Iron pot & Some Pewter which he never return’d. & which he heard her Say She would have them back again. & further this deponent Saith not. Taken before us this 15th day of June 1764.” Signed: John Boughan. Witnesses: Jno Clements, John Upshaw. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 13, item 13-H-2.]
On 16 March 1765, Henry Griggs of Essex County and the parish of Southfarnham was bound unto John Boughan planter the sum of £15 current money. If Henry Griggs pays unto John Boughan £30 current money of Virginia by or upon the 16th day of August next, then this to be void. Signed Henry Griggs. Witnesses: John Kerchevall, Major Boughan. Ordered recorded 21 October 1765 and proved by John Kerchevall and Major Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 30, page 59.]
Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 13, pages 49-51:
In the name of God. Amen
I John Boughan (Major) of Essex County & Southfarhham Paris [sic] being in my Perfect Sences: & Memory thanks be to the Almighty for the same and calling to mind the uncertain state of this Transitory life and Knowing that it is appointed for all mortals here to dye = do make & ordain this to be my last will and Testament; revokeing & disanulling all former wills heretofore mad [sic] Impremisoes
First I bequeath my soul into the hands of my blessed Saviour in hopes by his merrits to receive full pardon for all my sins (seconly [sic]) I submitt my self to my mother; the earth to be decently entred [sic] at the discretion of my executors
Thirdly, as touching what temporal estate it hath been pleased God to bless me with I give and bequeath as follow: Jedilicit[?]
Item: I Lend to my beloved wife all my whole estate: both real and personal as long as she remains a widow: and after her decease: I give and dispose as follows Item: I desire that my daughter Mary Barnett have fifty pounds paid her by my Executors to her & the heirs of her body and that is her share of my estate. Item I give my son John Boughan a Cow and Calf one sow & piggs two ews & lambs and that is all in Intend he shall have of my estate except part my Land and part my mill hereafter mentioned (Item) I give Fanny Griggs, daughter, John Griggs decd. a heifer of 3 years old Item I give to my son major Boughan: one feather bed and furniture to the value of eight pounds currt. money: one cow and calf: one sow and piggs, two ews and lambs. and my riding sadal & bridle: and that is all I intend he shall have of my estate except part my Land and part my mill here after mentioned; I also give my grand daughter Caty Boughan a heifer of three years old.
Item it is my will and desire that all the rest of my estate negroes & all my other Estate that I have not already Given (at the death of my Wife) be equally devided between my two daughters Cary & Elisabeth to them and the havis Heirs: of their body Lawfully begotten for ever and if either should dye and leave no such heir: my desire is the sd. estate shall go and desend to the surviving sister and her heirs as aforesd. and in case they should both dye and leave no heir then to Equally Divided between my two sons John and major and their heirs for ever: & as touching my Lands and Water grist mill my will and desire is maybe equally divided between my two sons: at the death of my wife or the day of her maraege [sic]: allowing my two daughters to live in the mansion house & to work their hands: & raise horses sufficient to serve their crops as long as they live single & if either my sons should die without heir this part so dying shall go and decend to the surviving brother to him & his heirs of his body lawfully begotten for ever & further it is my will that if either my sons shall want to sell their parts of Land or mill that they shall not have any to sell to any other person but this brother or his heirs and no otherways & if either or any person here mentioned in this will should sue or bring any suit for anything more than I have here given in this: them persons so doing shall forfet all the Legasie or Legasies hear given & shall have one shilling paid them by my Executors and that is all I intend them of my estate in luie of the afored. legasie or legasies & such Legasie or legasies shall be devided amongst the rest my Children afore mentioned Lastly I do appoint and ordain my loving wife and my son Major Boughan my whole and sole Executors of this my last will and Testament disanulling and revoking all former wills heretofore made as Witness my hand and seal this first day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine
John Boughan (seal)
George his mark Newble
Mary her mark Newble
H Purkins
The above will was probated on 16 September 1776.
An undated bill of complaint stated that John Boughan died in May 1776 “leaving Cary his widow & mother of his children & John & Major Boughan his sons & Mary wife of Richd Burnett & your oratrices his daughters” namely Cary (wife of John Turner) and Eliza (wife of William Howard). That Cary died without having married again. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery 15, item 15-B-52.]
On 11 September 1804, John Boughan [son of this John Boughan] provided an affidavit: The affidavit of John Boughan of lawfull age taken at Capt Lewis Booker’s store house in Essex County between John Turner and Cary his wife and William Howard Senr and Elizabeth his wife pltfs and Major Boughan Executor of John Boughan decd Deft, this deponant being duly sworn deposeth and saith
Qust 1st by deft. Major Boughan do you remember that a Negro man by name General belonging to me leving [living] with my Farther in the year seventeen hundred and seventy five? Ansr I do and that he was to give seven pounds ten shilling for his hire that year further Question by the deft do you know if William Griggs livid with my Farther the same year that my Negro man General lived with him. ansr I do, and that the said Boughan let the said Griggs have cloth and trimings for a Coat but the price I do not know further Question by deft do you recollect what number of Negroes belongd to the Estate of John Boughan decd Ansr there was three Peter, Esther, & Ell, which was apprais’d to one hundred & fifty pounds and was devided by consent of parties between William Howard & Cary Boughan the wife of John Turner pltfs
further Quest by deft. was there any sheep belonging to the Estate of John Boughan decd at the time of the sale — Ansr I do not know that there was.
Question by deft was there a side saddle bottle and Jugs belonging to the Estate Ansr there was, and I know that Cary Boughan had the side saddle and since she has been maried I have seen it at John Turners a [sic] noted Jugs and bottle at his house that did belong to the Estate and one Jugs at Williams Howards further Question by deft do you recollect what became of the beds belonging to the Estate of John Boughan decd? Ansr I do there was three devided between Cary Boughan the wife of John Turner & William Howard and one was sold by Major Boughan.
Further Question by Deft do you recollect what became of a young mare belonging to the Estate of John Boughan decd — Ansr I do she was sold by my mother the Widow of the said John Boughan decd and to Richard Jeffries Junior and she also Sold an old Horses [sic] to William Tignor and gave a mare to Cary Boughan the wife of John Turner and a young Horse to William Howard senr further Question by deft do you know wheather there was any thing belonging to the Estate of John Boughan decd Secreted by me or my order? Ansr I do not further Questioned by deft do you know whether the mare and horse that was Sold by my mother as mentioned by you above was apprais’d when my Fathers Estate was apprais’d? Ansr I beleive they was. further Questioned by Deft who liv’d on the plantation from the time of my mothers death untill the day of sale? ansr Cary Boughan, and Cary Griggs was there the greater part of her time, and all the Negroes that belong’d to the Estate.—
Question by John Turner one of the Pltffs — Do you know that the Negroe General which Major Boughan hired to John Boughan decd was the sold property of the s’d Majr Boughan, — Answer I do know one half of the s’d Negroe General was the property of Elizabeth Munday.—
Further question by John Turner, — do you suppose your Father, or the estate was not able to have paid the hire due for General before this. — To be sure they were able—
Question by Majr Boughan the Defendt how long did John Boughn dec’d live after the money became due for the hire of General — Answer he died the may following.—
Essex County to wit,
John Boughan personally appeared before me a Justice of the peace for the aforesaid County and made oath that the above affidavit concained [sic] the truth,
Given under my hand this Eleventh day of Septemr 1804.
LBooker. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 15, item 15-B-4.]
Birthbef 1715
DeathNov 1784
ChildrenJames (~1740-<1770)